《30》 Making Preparations

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The automobile they have created was made to make their travels much easier and carry supplies...though despite that reason-


Kai...and along with the strongest of the village were currently pushing at the rear end of the automobile the mentalist was maneuvering. Turns out, that the automobile lacked the capability to drive on a sloped surface and thus required assistance on the rear end.

"Damn...! We could have had more power if we'd build a double-cylinder engine...!!" Senku says between breaths, he too trying to push on the sides of the automobile. After those words left his mouth, an idea surges through his head. As the rest of them continue to push forward, the wheel made of bamboo was now able to slip past the rock that stood in the way. 

With a huff, they were just about to push one last time until Kai noticed Kohaku stop midway and turn to look behind her. The ravenette followed the blonde's gaze, now noticing that their leader has stopped moving, "Senku?"

But as they turned and put their attention to Senku whena smug look makesway towards his face, his energy now radiating with nothing but mischief. They all could only deadpan, recognizing that smirk of his!

"Look at his face!!" 

"He's got a devious plan!!!" 

'Ah...he's up to something...' Kai irks a brow, blinking when Senku continued to chuckle as his eyes begin to glow red with anticipation. It looks like the scientist has a plan in mind...a devious one at that. 

Not long, they settled near a cliff, just far enough away from Tsukasa's Empire, but not too far since they were able to spot the said Empire without a problem.  They brought down the equipment and began to set up their tents for the night. Senku has yet to reveal his plan now other than saving Chrome from Tsukasa's grasp. But it was a rather abrupt idea, mainly because they had no idea where Chrome was. 

Well, that is until Detective Suika did some searching on their behalf. Turns out, the other science user was locked up in a bamboo-like prison, kept watched by a few guards.

"That was dangerous!!" Suika flinched slightly when Kai's tone was raised her way. The little one could only stare up with a teary look in her watermelon helmet, trembling when she saw the stern look she flashed her, as her hands remained on her hips. 

"You could have been hurt...! Or far worst!! Even killed...!!" She continued to nag, as the rest of the men, Magma, Ginro, Kokuyo, and Senku could only stare in disbelief. They were unable to intervene, it was Kai after all. She was rather frightened when she was this way, and so no one dares to say anything regarding the issue. They were aware of how angry she can get, as they bear witness to her wrath in the incident of Hyoga and Homura. 

She huffs, now her anger slightly subsides when she saw the way the little girl was trembling by her scolding tone. With a small sigh, Kai now squats far enough to meet eye to eye with the watermelon girl. Instead of her stern look, she relaxed her face.

"Sorry about that Suika..." She starts slowly, peering her eyes towards the glass ones from the helmet, "I was just concern about your own safety...and the fact that Tsukasa's men have no remorse for the things they do..." Kai proceeds to place both her hands towards the girl's small shoulders, eyes wavering her way with worry.

"So...don't do anything rash like this. Or even if you plan on doing something similar, please consult with me or anyone..."

Suika looked down a bit, before turning to look back at the emerald-eye woman. She nodded slowly, "...Okay..."

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