《4》Distinct Goals

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Kai says nothing at this, going in for another roundhouse kick and knocking out the wild boar completely. The large beast becomes emotionless, Kai now able to pick it up without much of a hassle. She now carried two boars that she hunted down, one laying over her shoulders while the other under her armpit. She then turns towards a surprise Tsukasa.

"This should be enough...." Kai hums, now taking the lead and heading back to the hideout with Tsukasa trailing behind, he too carried 2 boars. "Do you need help?" Tsukasa offered, quite amuse from how easily she carried the two beasts like nothing. He's never meet a woman like this before.

"Nah...I'm good," The ravenette responds back, wondering why he even asked since his hands were already occupied with other stuff. It was quiet for a while, the only sound was the nature around them...birds singing along as the trees rustle with the wind. Before Kai can relax and take in the moment when she felt a presence near her.

"You're quite fast...and that kick of yours was simply amazing," Tsukasa compliments, now standing right next to the girl, "Which of the arts did you practice?"

She thought for a moment, not even bothering to look at him, "Piano and and some other instruments..."

Tsukasa deadpans a bit, "N-No...that's not what I meant--"

Tsukasa was caught off when Taiju came in running towards them once they arrived to the base, "WOW!! You two caught a feast!!"

Kai smirks a bit, tapping the boar that was over her shoulder, "Boars aren't that fast so they are easier to catch," She is about to take it down when Taiju offered himself to carry the boar back. She halted a bit, brows furrow in confusion.

"Are you sure?"

Senku was watching from afar, arranging a few ingredients from which Taiju returned with when he was exploring around. He remained quiet when Kai came back with Tsukasa carrying 2 rather large boars. The crimson eye boy was impressed by this, wild boars like those weigh at least 180kg! How was she able to carry it like it was nothing??

"OOf!" Taiju huffs, dropping the boar that Kai gave him to carry. Senku deadpans at this....almost speechless by the display before him.

"Note to self to never get on her bad side..."


It's been a whole week since Kai was awaken in this strange world...she was settled but now it was slowly hitting her. She was feeling homesick...alone...

She couldn't sleep that night, too many thoughts swirling inside her head from all of this. Kai stood outside the cabin, the night around enveloping her and only the stars above illuminated the darkness. Her emerald eyes stare up at the night sky, trying to find a sense of relief or feel like she is at home...even that...her heart sank slightly. There was always one thing that helped her relax...and that was...music.

She closed her eyes, humming a small tune as she lifted up her fingers up in the air as she imagined the beautiful grand piano she had back in the modern days. Her fingers touched mid-air...and yet her ears can only hear the sweet notes from the keys. Her mind that was occupied by the anxious thoughts were soon washed away....leaving her humming in a bliss. She began to think about the other instruments she had left, even those she had yet to play...

Kai was so caught up with her imagination that she failed to realize that a certain genius boy watched her and decided to take a seat next to her...both of their feet dangling. A small smile was brought to his usual smug face, his crimson orbs slightly narrow with warmth as he watched the female beside him. He didn't want to bother her moment, admitting that what she was doing was a bit...cute. He just choose to admire her silently.

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