《31》The Alliance

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words underlined = speaking English





Kai stares blankly at the piece of paper she found as a spare lying around. They had already the things to set out for departure, but they waited patiently for the right moment to take their leave. In the meantime, Kai caught herself staring at the paper that they made earlier.

'How strange...' She thought, still staring at the artifact in hand, 'Who would have thought that seeing paper would be so nostalgic...'

It was true. Or rather...she found it quite embarrassing that a piece of paper was making her feel a bit homesick. It made her realize how something so small like this...made her miss the old world.

'That's right...this paper...' Her fingers now slowly trace over the paper before beginning to bend it, mind now lingering back to an old memory she was rather fond of...


A younger version of me stared blankly at my empty hands. Eyes lingering with much interest before peering over at my room. It was rather large, whether because I was little everything seemed so large to me. I gaze at the many instruments all aligned on the side of the wall, all types varying from small to big...or from foreign to known.

It has been months since the doctors declared that I was mute. And I have not shown any sign of recovering from my shock. I knew very well that my parents were devasted by the news, and did their very best to be there for me. I appreciated their concern...but I was worried that I was taking too much of their time since they were quite busy.

Before I can get lost even further with my thoughts when a knock on my door was heard. Since I couldn't respond, the person on the other side responded to my silence. The voice belonged to the head maid, "The Young Master is here to see you..."

Hearing that, I knew very well who she mentioned. The door of my room slowly opened, now my eyes locking with the familiar ones that belonged to the boy who often visits me.

"My Queen!" He called out to me with his loud voice, sounding out of breath. He was wearing the usual extravagant suits that always shine so brightly...but what caught my attention was the large bag he had quite the hard time carrying. It seemed like his very own butlers were outside wearing worried looks. Knowing him...he probably refused their help and wanted to carry whatever was in the decorative bag.

"Good afternoon Miss Garcia..." I glance over at the boy's personal butler, whom I saw bow their head my way in courtesy. Recognizing them for always being with the boy, I waved in greeting.

Now my attention looked back at the bag, tilting my head with much curiosity. I wonder what he brought over this time?

"I came over here to deliver this gift I have made for you~!" He exclaimed, now lifting up the bag so that it was now on top of my bed. I was a bit startled by this, but I let him do it...intrigued by what exactly he brought. I look back at him, only to find myself looking at his cheeky grin, as his cheeks were blushing. His eyes were wavering with anticipation for my reaction.

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