《25》 No Matter What!

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Of course...there was bound to find hardships along the way of making the phone. Apparently, the bamboo filament for the vacuum tube wasn't strong enough to resist the heat and thus burned out within the seconds. They tried and tried many other ways to make a filament, but all the materials they used...undoubtfully failed.

Chrome even came in with new materials that could have helped in the making but Senku didn't seem to have found anything useful. Even with the help of the villagers, showing the type of stuff Chrome brought in. Nothin seemed to catch the science boy's eye.

'A dead end...even at this rate,' Senku thought to himself, unable to sleep that same night, and woke up to peer out at the window, 'There's no time for sulking...think!'

Though his moment for himself was interrupted when Gen's face illuminated by a flashlight appeared before him. Scaring the wits out of Senku, "It's the new year...we've got to watch the first sunrise with everyone. And besides--" Gen proceeded to go down the ladder, as everyone else was gathered around, "--Refreshing one's spirit is my kind of job right~?"

Senku sweats at this, "You mentalists sure are a pain in the ass..."

As everyone else walks on ahead on a hill where they were going to watch the first sunrise, Kai took note of Suika's sullen state, peering over at the younger girl who was now shuffling to her feet and grab the nearest rock near her. She blinked at this, recognizing the baskets that were full of all sorts of rocks Chrome went on to collect, "Suika...were you looking at the rocks all this time?"

The little girl beamed at this, turning towards the ravenette and lifting up the rock that she had in hand. She waved it frankly, "Y-Yeah! I wanted to be of help! And this rock is particularly heavy than the other ones~"

Kai mused at the girl's excitement, watching her go on ahead and make her way through the front of the crowd. They reached for the peak, now everyone silently waiting for the first sun to rise from its slumber. And thus when it did...the rock that Suika was holding tightly with her small hands, began to bursts into a familiar blue like color. 
Senku's eyes couldn't help but widen at the blue stone, one that reacted to the ultraviolet light from the rays of the sun. The Scheelite stone belonged to the tungsten category, which was considered one of the strongest metals in the universe that can resist heat. 

"I'd say! Suika and Chrome...!! I have to commend you for your hard work...!!" Senky grins, his mind that was previously clouded with negative thoughts now beamed from the path that has opened up once more. With this mineral, they would be able to complete the final steps of the phone!

And that following day, both Chrome and Senku prepared to set off towards the cave where Chrome claimed to have found the mineral. 

"The material we'll be dealing with is too hard for us to tear down, not to mention bringing home these heavy materials...and so we'll be needing some strong hands--"

At his words, Kai for sure expected either her or Kohaku to be summoned. But to their surprise, Senku's gaze and index finger point exactly at the opposite direction of the two girls...as his grin never seemed to falter by his choice.

"Magma...! The three of us will go on a cave expedition for a mountain of treasure...!!"

The ravenette could only muster out a small glare, turning to look over where the buff blonde stood not too far. He too seems equally as confused, though he did not deny Senku's offer. Kai did not trust Magma, not at all. Especially after what he's done to them. Not only has he attempt to attack and intervene during their time here, but he also injured Gen and didn't even hesitate in wanting to kill him. Magma was obviously a red-flag, so then why in the world did Senku choose him?

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