《16》 Storm of Feelings

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  The following day, they began to build the science laboratory for the glassware made to withstand the chemicals. 


  "Amazing..." Kai compliments, glancing over at Senku beside her who wore a rather content smile across his face. She couldn't help but mimic his smile as well, happy that he was happy. Unknowingly to the two, blue eyes stare at the two with much curiosity, a raised brow as she was left slightly humming in thought. Especially with her keen eyesight, there was no way any of their emotions will escape in her view of sight.

'There's no doubt about it...those two---'

   "Did you miss this?" Kai slightly whispers towards Senku, making him turn to his side. He tilts his head up, silently admiring her emerald eyes that seem to glow his way, it sure caused his stomach to flutter. Letting out a chuckle, Senku turns to look back at the chemistry lab before him, all the different types of flasks organized in the wooden shelves they've made. There was no doubt in his heart he was happy to have at least this much back material from the modern world.

  "Yeah..." He breathes out, showing Kai a face he's never imagined he would show to anyone...because she was the only one to bring this vulnerable side of him. Senku trusted Kai, "I did.."

  Oblivious to his feelings since they were behind Senku, Chrome perks, "C'mon Senku~ Show some joy! We finally got out hands on a lab!!"

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  Oblivious to his feelings since they were behind Senku, Chrome perks, "C'mon Senku~ Show some joy! We finally got out hands on a lab!!"

   "Yeah, sure...Yippee...." Senku slurs, now completely hidden his emotion from earlier, "Starting now, the sun rises on the dawn of our kingdom of science~! Filled with all kinds of attractions ten billion times more fun that Tsukasa Land~"

 As everyone went to do their perspective errands...Kohaku approached Senku once Kai and Chrome left to go retrieve something outside the lab. She shook the genius boy with her next words. 

 "So...I see that you like Kai~"

 Senku has never in his life began to cough so violently...hell...he swore he felt his heart leaped into his throat when he heard Kohaku say such thing. The blonde primitive sweats at this, wondering if he was okay. Senku turns to Kohaku with a glare, trying his best to restrain the blush that wanted to rise over his face. 


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