《0》Stone World

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(*edited 1/16/21)

The birds chatter among themselves early in the morning, their usual routine of the day. The rustling trees located on a traditional Japanese garden flutter through the wind, seemingly dancing in its air. Through one of the trees laid a black cat, its keen eyes never leaving sight of the small birds jumping over the wooden halls of the traditional Japanese home. 

Before it could try to launch itself to the feathered creatures when faint footsteps soon came approaching through the halls. White socks came to view in the corner of the hall before fully turning and showing the owner of the pair of socks. 

"Good morning..."

The black cat perks at the familiar soothing voice of the girl, flicking its tail when she came in approaching. Her presence seemed to have startled the small birds, who then flew away, but not far enough from the area...turning their small heads toward the girl. She takes a deep breath in, enjoying the morning breeze that nature has to offer. Her short like hair ruffled against the wind, urging her to swipe back her raven bangs away from her face, exposing her creamy like forehead. 

The creatures watch the girl take a step down the wooden hall of the home, walking over the decorated rocks of the garden and towards the green tree where the cat laid comfortably. Her fingers ruffle the black cat's fur, smiling gently when she heard it purr against her hand. The cat was a stray, but would often come to visit the girl once in a while.

"You're an early bird aren't ya?" A chuckle manages to escape her lips, eyes shimmering slightly with warmth. Her eyes traced with an emerald-like color, one of her most notable features. She extracted her hand, now going back to the hall and sliding one of the tatami doors open, where then...the black cat entered without a thought. 

The girl prepared herself to head to school, swiftly fixing her female uniform that consisted of just a plain white dress shirt along with a navy blue skirt. Despite coming along with a red bow and beige blazer, the girl refused to wear them and instead wore a black hoodie over her uniform. She reaches for her school bag when her phone inside her skirt pockets vibrates, indicating she received a message.
A smile blooms across her usual poker face, knowing well who it was. Unlocking her phone, she looks over at the family group-chat where she received the message. She read it over, unable to contain the growing warmth inside her chest.


She swiftly put the phone back inside the pocket of her skirt, her soft smile never leaving her expression. She applied the school bag on her back, adjusting its arms on her shoulders. She doubled check the tatami slide-in doors, making sure they were shut tightly before making way towards the front door of the home. Unlike the rest of the slide doors of the home, the front door was a regular styled door with a wooden design. 

She puts on her white sneakers, now reaching over the handle and opening it. She was greeted by a whole bundle of what seem like green roses, she almost lets out a yelp...still not used to all of this. She swore she could see the roses sparkle, blinding her vision slightly. 

The man who carried the whole bundle of roses slightly sways, now muttering from behind, "100 high-quality green roses...delivered by the young Master--"

The girl lets out a sigh, now ruffling her black hair with an annoyed face, "--You can place them over at the table..."

The poor man that could barely walk nodded at her request and entered the home, not being the first time he's done such a ridiculous task. As much as she would have liked the owner who's been sending her all kinds of gifts to stop...they were persisted. And on cue, the one responsible for this shenanigan sent her a message, phone vibrated from her pocket. 

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