《29》 Together

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words underlined = speaking English


Since Chrome was taken hostage by the Tsukasa's Empire they had to quicken their pace and go together in order to save their brunette scientist. . And so they began to construct the blueprint of an automobile which was the steam engine, similar to one of a train. With that model, they will have no problem creating the actual automobile.

That very night, Senku decided to check up on the ravenette that laid unconscious on his sleeping bag. Though he was a bit sullen that she was sleeping on it, he was glad that Chrome wasn't here so that he can sleep on his bed instead. With that thought, he sat next to her body, hands reaching out towards her forehead to grab the now warm towel. With his other free hand, Senku touches her forehead.

'Looks like her fever stopped...' Senku presumed, now extracting his hand away and placing the folded towel down beside him. A small sigh manages to leave his lips, now taking his attention back to the ravenette before him.

Senku leans towards his palm a bit, his cheek being squished against his hand. His crimson eyes never left her face, silently observing over her facade for the very first time. She was breathing normally, her lips partially open from exhaling. Her bangs were slightly wet from the cool towel he put on earlier, and so he reached over and wiped them away from her face, slightly flinching when he felt his fingers slip past her skin.

'What am I doing...?' He frowned, quick to extract his hand away from her face when he realized what he's done. He stood up from his seat, facing his back towards her. His fists clench to his sides, the knit in between his brows deepening by the minute.

'I told myself that I would toss aside these foolish feelings...so then?' He scolded himself, now closing his eyes as he tried to calm his heart. He took a step forward, walking up towards the small door. And with a small sigh, he sat back down.

'...why can't I...?'

He looks up, now his crimson eyes glittering underneath the moonlight. It was a full moon, a beautiful one at that...he couldn't help but feel sentimental upon the natural satellite up above, admiring its glowing beauty. And without a thought...he blurted out;

"The moon is beautiful

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"The moon is beautiful...isn't it?"

A shaky breath escapes his lips, slowly glancing towards where Kai remained sleeping, making sure that she did not hear him. He shook his head at his own cliche words, turning back to admire the stars and moon. In order to cast aside his feelings, he let his mind linger back to his dear old man. The very man loved space, urging him to smile at the nostalgic memories. 

Not to mention, he was surprised to find out that his father and Kai knew of each other. That fact itself still shocked him. The two shared a special bond, that Senku cannot deny. It was almost as if it were fate itself doing this..

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