《7》 First Move

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The 4 of them prepared for their departure to Hakone, where there, they would find chemicals to make the said gun powder against Tsukasa. Before they left, Senku moved around frankly around the lab to make it seem like they panicked and ran away.

But of course, this was all a trap for Tsukasa to fall for. But Kai had a feeling that it wouldn't work against the male


They were currently around Kamakura, since they were able to find the Great Buddha still place there. This location helped Senku figure out how long it might take them to Hakone. And so, the 4 continued their journey in hope to get there before Tsukasa could find out.

'I wonder how much longer it will take....' Just like Taiju, Kai was carrying a lot of items due to both of their immense stamina and strength. At first, Senku carried them at the beginning but she offered herself when Kai saw Senku almost pass out to death from the heavy items. The leek male was surprised at how easily she carried the said items on her back...but it was rather impressive.

'Is she some gorilla or something?'

Just as they continued their walk, Kai, who was walking all the way in the back for safety measures began to hum without much of a thought. Taiju heard this, now turning his attention back at the ravenette that seems to be lost in her thoughts. He perked, recalling the other night where he heard the girl sing a song in which he immediately fell right to sleep. He decides to slow down a bit to match her pace, catching her attention completely.

"Banchō! I never knew you could sing!" Taiju exclaimed, beaming slightly which startled the girl by his loud outburst, "The other night you sang such a lovely song!! Man, I knocked out the moment you sang~!! Your voice is amazing~!"

Kai sweats a bit, somewhat bashful by his sudden compliment, not quite used to it since she would only sing to her family and by herself. She raises a hand over to scratch her cheek, shyly looking away; "T-Thanks...."

Yuzuhira decides to pop in as well, slowing down her pace so that Taiju and Kai can hear her; "It's expected~ Kai is also good at playing instruments~! After all, she was part of the music club at our school!"

Hearing this, Taiju almost yells out in admiration while Senku raises a brow in surprise.

"WHOA!! PART OF THE MUSIC CLUB?? SO LIKE YOU PLAY VIOLIN AND STUFF LIKE THAT??" Taiju exclaims, turning his attention back at the ravenette beside him. Kai perks at this, nodding her head by his question, "That's right...I played all kinds of instruments....even the most exotic ones like the Harp---"

Taiju and Yuzuhira wow at this, "Wow!! We've never even seen a Harp in real life!!"

Senku lets out a smirk at this, now craning his neck back towards where the 3 walked behind him, his crimson eyes boring her figure. Senku speaks with a grin on his face; "Oh? So you're actually a music prodigy,"

Kai perks at this, looking back at Senku who was grinning at her cheekily, "Not really...I'd say it's more of hobby..." Kai corrects, looking away as she fixes the luggage that she carried behind, "I just enjoy singing and playing instruments during my free time. I'm no prodigy,"

Senku hums, but he thought otherwise. Kai was definitely a music prodigy is she sang so beautifully and knows how to play all kind of instruments. Unlike the 3 of them, they had little knowledge of music, but Kai? She was the only hope of restoring music for now.

"Can you sing for us Banchō...?" Taiju asked, beaming while Yuzuhira nodded along. Kai was a bit flustered by their eagerness, though as much as she wanted to not to sing to them...she couldn't....not when their eyes seem to glow at the idea. She lets out a sigh, still feeling bashful as she ruffled her dark locks slightly. Deep down, she didn't mind singing for others since it made her a tad bit happy.

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