《1》Fragments Left UnBothered

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For plot purposes, I won't be translating

Thank you and enjoy~



"H-Hey--!! STOP IT!!"

There stood a young Senku...eyes widen in shock as some upperclassmen from school were kicking his newest invention that he worked so hard for. His usual hero would have stopped them, but he was currently collecting some other equipment for the newest invention. Now...it was just him...and the bullies.

"What are you gonna do now pipsqueak??" They taunt him, making the young boy clench in fist in anger. He was never much of a fighter, always been part of the genius side. He knew very well that with his physical state, there was no way he can beat them in a fight but....he can always outsmart them in a battle!

'All I need is a distraction--!!' Senku thought, looking around frankly for a source of said distraction but nothing seem useful. But he was caught off guard when one of the bullies takes hold of his lab coat that he wore and lifted his small body upwards.

"What are you scheming pipsqueak?? Wanna cry for your mommy??" They taunt him, as his small body dangled from their hold. Before Senku can defend himself when suddenly...a gush of wind passes before them. In just seconds, Senku landed straight on the floor bellow him, meaning that the bully that grabbed him now let go of him.

'W-Wha???' Senku thought, groaning in pain as he tried to peer up towards where the bullies were. His eyes widen at the sight seeing another person stand before him as one of the bullies was lying on the floor with his hands covering his face as. The other two stood there frozen, in a fighting stance as the stranger before him places their hand on their hips.

"¿Que estan haciendo? ¿No tienen ni vergüenza??" He heard them spoke strange words, unable to understand them. Before the bullies can respond, when the stranger suddenly leaped over their direction and round house kicked one before going for a punch. The stranger landed perfectly on the other side as the 2 bullies scattered to their feet, picking up their buddy before screaming away in fear.

'Well...that was fast...' Senku thought, groaning a bit as he rubbed his butt. Before he can stand up for himself when a shadow loomed over his. He frowns a bit, only for his brows to seize once he laid his crimson eyes at the beautiful sight before him.

There stood the stranger...a young girl with a white spaghetti strapped dress, possibly a year or so older than him. Her raven like locks blazed under the bright sunlight, twirled up into two buns as her big emerald eyes sparkled the slightest his way. Senku couldn't help but to blush slightly, even forgetting how to human when she offered a hand towards his way.

"¿Estas bien?" The girl says, tilting her head slightly as her emerald looking eyes glittered to what he read as concern, her words probably meant the same thing. And so, Senku accepts the offering hand standing up as he dusted himself from the rocks below. Before Senku can thank the foreign girl for her help when another voice intervenes their moment.

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