《22》Raging Flames

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"I'm completely healed..."

 At Kinro's words, the team gasped at his fast recovery; "THAT'S INCREDIBLE...!!"

But as soon as they took a better look at the brunette, realizing how much he began to sweat and tremble by the slightest movement, especially after trying to climb up the ladder towards Chrome's shed. 

 "Wait hold up! He's just acting tough!! You're nowhere near okay--!" Chrome voices out, seeing as Kinro bit his lip from how much pain he was in. 

"I can't guard the village if I'm in bed for some minor injury...!" Kinro tries to defend himself, despite the small blood that is sputtering out as he talked, "...There's no telling when those bastards are coming back and attack us at full force..!"

  Chrome could only deadpan at the bridge guard, "YOU'RE SO DEDICATED...!"

 Kai, who stood beside Chrome, shakes her head with much disapproval, "Utterly stubborn as well..."

 The villagers turn to Kai at this, face filled with utter confusion by her words. Chrome could only deepen his deadpan at the ravenette beside him, almost scoffing at how hypocritical she sounded, "You're one to talk Kai...! Out of all of us, you're the most stubborn one....!!"

Kai blinked at this, turning to face Chrome with an equally deadpanned look, "Huh?"

Before she had any say, Senku's voice echoes from the top of the shed, "Well~ There's no denying that they would return and attack us head-on..." His crimson eyes proceed to glint, as he picked up a clay pot, filled with what seems like black powder of some sort, "Though I can predict when they'll come back!"

 They all blinked at Senku's words before turning to look back at each other, What did he mean by that?

At the same time, a loud battle cry resonated through the forest, followed along with the sound of a rock clacking against the wood of the tree, "Gahh!! Dammit--! There's no way we could go back crawling to Tsukasa after being utterly humiliated by those weaklings..!"

 Gen watched one of Hyoga's henchman let out his rage at one of the trees with his spear, the mentalist's face was presentable with his usual smug look;

"Then I'll suggest something...why don't we attack them during a storm so they can't use their matchlocks---"

---As if hearing Gen's words, Senku then smirks, proceeding to look out from the shed, "They're wary of our imaginary guns so Gen will talk them into it..". Turns out, Gen and Senku were already ahead of the game, plan already in motion.

 Upon hearing the mentalist's suggestion, he couldn't help but agree with him, "I see...you can't light a match when it's raining..!"

 That being said, Gen was able to convince the lackeys with Senku's plan...unlike a certain someone. 

"The outcome of our attack was less than ideal but whining about it now is pointless," Hyoga retorts, who was currently leaning over a tree, faced away from Gen and the henchmen, "As for striking during a storm...its an obvious move it might as well get us killed,"

His words defiled Gen's and the henchmen's plan, making one of them turn to glare at Hyoga, "HUh?"

"Now that we know Senku is alive, now the table has turn 180 degrees...Let's do this properly," Gen looked over at Hyoga with a worried look, knowing quite well that Hyoga would be the least likely to stay and agree to fight. After all...the man also showed intellect. 

"We should return to Tsukasa at once and build a large army," 

Unlike Gen, Hyoga's words did not go through his henchmen. Instead, he laughed at his plan, "HA! What's the matter Hyoga you scared??" He then proceeds to point his accusing finger at the spear-like weapon that was near Hyoga, "You're just like the villagers! You twigs are nothing without your weapons!! Your kudayari or whatever you call it...!"

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