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DISCLAIMER: someone else used the idea to call someone called El "letter" but i cant remember who it was im so sorry but credit to whoever that was.

Eleven year old Eleanor May Burke leant against the seat of the empty train compartment of the Hogwarts express, watching people bid goodbye to their parents, hugging, crying and all showing excessive amounts of emotion. Eleanor hadn't seen her own mother since last night, leaving her 4th year brother, Luke, and her to find their own way to kings cross. Luke had scurried off 5 minutes prior, leaving Eleanor on her own for her first train ride to the magical school.

Soon after the train started moving, a lanky, sandy haired boy poked his head around the door of her compartment hesitantly before speaking, "s-sorry, i-its just i'm a first year, and i- ... well i don't exactly have anywhere to sit."

"na please, come in, just don't be too annoyin."she said, her thick south London accent slightly surprising the boy, who had perfect diction himself.

The boy nodded in thanks, took a seat opposite her and held out his hand, "i'm Remus Lupin, its nice to meet you." he said, looking down shyly after the eye contact had gone on a bit too long for his liking.

"Eleanor May Burke, but people just call me El" she said shaking the hand he had held out and giving him an awkward smile, finding it slightly difficult to be nice to an unknown person.

The pair were both startled by a loud presence of two more boys at the door, El sighed before opening the book that was on her lap with the intention of ignoring the disruption. With out asking, the boys came into the compartment, placing themselves opposite each other, next to the two who were already seated, whilst saying their hellos to Remus as he introduced himself  to them.

"I'm James Potter" the bespectacled boy who sat next to El said, slightly too loudly for her liking, grinning around at all the occupants of the compartment. Eleanor moved her eyes up slightly from her book, to look at the over zealous boy, noticing to herself that despite his age, was quite a bit taller than her, with messy brown hair and hazel eyes that held a certain sparkle as he looked back at her.

Before El could return his introduction, the boy opposite James spoke up "Sirius Black" he said casually, already making himself comfy as he sat sideways across his seat and placed his legs on Remus' lap. Remus noticed this and locked eyes with Eleanor, who bit back a smile after seeing Remus' clenched jaw at the strange actions of the stranger. " And you are?" Sirius spoke up again after noticing Eleanors silence, he ran a hand through his long dark hair and spoke again before Eleanor got a chance to answer, "is your hair naturally that colour?"

Eleanor gritted her teeth a little at the question before muttering a blunt "yes. why?"

"well... its blue" James cut in, taking the words out of Sirius' mouth.

She rolled her eyes but didn't look up from her book. "no. its black" at her blunt answer, Sirius and James exchanged a look and turned their attention back on the girl.

"Anyways you didn't answer my first question" Sirius proceeded to say, with a posh accent that rivalled remus'.

"i'm El" she said closing her book after realising she wouldn't be able to read with this company distracting her.

"What, like the letter?" James asked with a confused look, his accent contrasting to Sirius'.

El looked at Remus with her mouth slightly open, giving him a 'is the boy actually asking me this' look, he just shrugged, however he clearly looked amused at the current conversation. "No. Like the name." She said through gritted teeth as James just continued to look at her with a slightly confused look. All the occupants' heads went to the compartment door for the second time that morning as two more students who looked like first years opened the door, "oh god theres more" Eleanor muttered under her breath. James, being the only person who heard this, let out a small chuckle.

"Hi, everywhere else is full, do you mind?"  The blonde girl at the door questioned, clearly the most confident out of the two, as a short blonde boy stood behind her.

James ushered the pair in, moving closer to where El was sitting, to make room. The blonde boy situated himself on the edge of the seat next to James, with tense shoulders and his eyes fixed on the floor.

"Marlene McKinnon," the girl introduced with a smile without anyone having to ask. "And this is peter... i'm sorry i don't remember your last name"

" Pettigrew." the small boy squeaked, his eyes leaving the floor just for a second to give everyone a timid smile.

"I'm Sirius, this is remus and James and-" Sirius started, gesturing to each boy as he said their name.

"-and this girls named after a letter!" James exclaimed as if he had just discovered something amazing.

Marlene and Peter gave her questioning looks, "My names El" she said shooting an odd look at James, but smiling at the blonde girl who sat diagonal to her.


Seventeen year old Eleanor May Burke stumbled into the prefect compartment, 10 minutes late, catching the attention of all the prefects inside who just shrugged and turned back to the head boy. However, said head boy's attention was still on the Slytherin who stood in the door way.

"Potter?! you're the head boy?" she exclaimed in genuine surprise. The boy took a few moments to examine her appearance as she spoke and tried to straighten out her robes. Her blue-black hair looked like it had once been curled neatly however now lay more scruffily over her shoulders. Her grey eyes were lined in black, that was slightly smudged, making it clear that the makeup was remaining from the previous day. He noticed her hands, carrying far too many things at once, her nails were a mess, clearly an expensive manicure was now ruined as one of the nails and another had completely fallen off. To put it simply she looked a mess.

"Been shagging McKinnon in the toilets again?" Potter said while smirking, referencing the events the two best-friends had partaken in the previous year, ignoring her previous comment.

"ha ha," she said with a straight face, clearly unamused.

"Well come on head girl, we've been waiting half a century for you so we can start this meeting" grabbing her arm, James pulled her into the compartment and into the seat next to him.

The next half an hour of the train ride was spent talking through prefect patrols and the 'duty they had to perform' James had to nudge El several times to keep her from drifting off.

"Come on, letter. you're head girl your meant to be paying attention" James whispered in her ear, slightly too close for her liking. If it were up to her, she would be sat as far away from James as physically possible. even from that distance he'd probably find a way to annoy her. However el quickly became glad that James nudged her awake as she caught the end of Mcgonagall's sentence,

"Head boy and girl, ill need to see you both after the feast to give you the password to your dorm"

James opened his mouth to respond but not before El quickly cut him off "Minnie... what?" her accent meaning the last letter of her words wasn't fully heard.

"i'm going to ignore your choice of name for me," she said with a stern glance, as El bit down on her lip of hide a smile. "but you heard me correctly, after the feast i will show yourself and  Mr Potter to your shared dorm. i'm sure you're aware that head boy and girl have their own private dorm?" the two teenagers looked back at her blankly. "Oh, well now you know."

a/n: idk what im acc gonna do w this story tbh lets see where it goes

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