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September arrived with the eventual distribution of the news that Regulus, the only living Black heir, had disappeared. It was in an Order Of The Phoenix meeting when they found—it at Dirk Creswell's house this time. Sirius' face remained a mask, his jaw clenched, not showing any reaction that he had even heard. El remained still as well, though it was somewhat easier for her—this was not a surprise. The news was somewhat brushed over, Dumbledore quickly changed the subject to upcoming missions, though it practically fell on deaf ears.

El's eyes remained focused on one spot, waiting for Dumbledore to finish. She wanted a drink. She wanted the old man to stop droning on so she could leave. She didn't even notice her leg was bouncing until James placed his hand on her knee to stop it, he left it there, tracing a soft pattern in the hopes to soothe her.

It felt like hours when the meeting was finally dismissed, people stood and slowly made their way out as Dirk put the kettle on for those who wanted to stay. Sirius and Remus left almost instantly, avoiding eye contact from everyone.

"El, James, you want tea?" Dirk asked, setting mugs out for everyone.

"You got anything stronger?" El replied as her and James moved to stand by the kitchen counter. A few others who had stayed were dispersed through the kitchen and living room.

"My kind of woman," Dirk chuckled, filling a glass with firewhiskey.

"Watch it," James cautioned with a good humoured grin. "Am i good to smoke in here?"

"Yeah yeah, go ahead."

James lit two cigarettes and passed El one. She swallowed her firewhiskey in one go, then held her glass out for Dirk to refill. James took the glass from her and placed it on the counter beside him, she glared at him but said nothing. Dirk passed James a mug, then took a sip from his own.

"What d'you reckon happened to the Black heir? Regulus, was it?" Dirk said conversationally.

El bit her tongue, "dunno."

"You reckon he's dead? I reckon he ran away," Dirk continued.

"Look let's not talk about this, yeah?" James intervened.

El ignored him, "what do you mean, ran away?" she took a threatening step forward.

Dirk clearly didn't sense El's tone, he continued on casually, "just that he probably left. Joined the wrong side then pussied out last minute."

El snapped, jumping forward, but James caught her before she reached Dirk, she struggled against him but didn't manage to remove herself from him grip.

Dirk flinched, moving away, "oi you need help, man—you're fucking deranged!"

"Oh fuck you!" El spat, still unable to move for James' arms around her.

All the commotion drew the attention on the other few Order members left, Morgan and Evan both rushed over, standing between the arguing pair.

"What've you done, Creswell?" Morgan asked.

"I haven't done anything, Potter needs to get his witch under control! She's got some fucking screws loose, that one!" Dirk shouted.

"Don't fucking piss me off, Creswell, i'm doing you a favour right now," James spat, still holding El behind him.

"Potter, take El home," Evan instructed.

"Stop talking about me like i'm not fucking here!" El shouted. She breathed deeply, "don't worry, we're leaving." James followed her out, then apparated them both home.

"You okay?" James asked, offering her a cigarette which she gratefully took.

She was so angry he could feel the magic crackling from her. "You should've let me hit him," she muttered.

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