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Due to the tension between the head boy and girl, one of the many problems they had to deal with was being potions partners. The pair constantly argued about the smallest things, causing most of their potions to be an absolute mess.

On Monday, El walked into potions with Sirius, him laughing at her face of annoyance as she took her place next to James.

Slughorn stood infront of a selection of different sized cauldrons, all emitting a different colour steam."Gather round, gather round," he called waving his arms to where he wanted everyone to stand. "Behind me are some of the potions you are going have to memorise the ingredients for for your N.E.W.T's. Now can anyone tell me what these potions might be," Slughorn narrowed his eyes and scanned across the group of students, his face lighting up when several hands went in the air, "Ahh, Miss Evans,"

Lily took a few steps forward, to be able to see the contents of each cauldron, "This first one is veritaserum, it forces the drinker to speak the truth," she announced, looking at the clear liquid in the first cauldron. "This second one is polyjuice potion, with the DNA of another person, it allows the drinker to look like someone else, until the effects wear off of course," she looked at slughorn for confirmation, and he nodded to indicate she was correct. "The final one is amortentia, a powerful love potion, its smell varies from person to person according to what attracts them."

Slughorn clapped his hands together, "Marvellous Miss Evans, ten points to Gryffindor! Today we will start with amortentia, and we will make the other two across the course of the next few weeks," he looked at everyone expectantly, "Well chop-chop,"

Everyone scurried off to their desks to ready the ingredients, El demanding that James went and fetched theirs. The pair made their potion with minimal communication, waiting for it to be ready so they could write down what they smelt and leave the room.

James leant over the cauldron and took a deep inhale, Sirius and Remus looking at him curiously, wanting to know what he would smell. El simply looked at her nails, not caring about what he would say.

"Cigarettes... Sandalwood?.... and that smell outside after its finished raining,"

Sirius and Remus shrugged at each other, trying to decipher what person that could be. Lots of people smoked, including James, so that gave them no clues. They weren't sure how a person could smell of the outside after it rained. And in complete honesty, neither of the knew what sandalwood smelt like.

The three of them looked at El expectantly, waiting for her to smell the cauldron. Feeling their gaze on her, she huffed and stood up, taking a deep breath, not caring hugely about the outcome herself.

"I don't know... kinda like broomstick wax?... firewood and... i can't tell what the last one is, i recognise it though," she crossed her arms and sat back down, beginning to pack up her stuff so she could leave.

Again, her smells werent overly linked to a specific person, many people knew how to fly, there's a fireplace in every common room in school, and she didn't even know what the last smell was.

Without another word to any of them, El left the room, heading to the library for her free period.

When she arrived, she found a quiet corner and began to read, annoyed that she couldn't sit outside due to the cold November rain.

Over the top of her book, she could see an annoyingly familiar red head shooting daggers at her, which was a change because it was often the other way round. She ignored it and focused her gaze back to the book, hearing Lily scoff in disgust.

As the minutes went by, she could still feel a hard glare on her, and had now had enough, "Alright Evans, you've been glaring at me for the past half an hour. Spit it out,"

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