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The Gryffindor/ Slytherin quidditch match was on Saturday the 9th of January. El and James didn't say two words to each other the morning of, both in their own heads, preparing.

The match wasn't any more important than others they'd played, but if Gryffindor won then they'd only need one more victory to win the cup. In addition to this, it was no secret that the two houses had a rivalry that run deeper than any others.

The changing room was silent as the Slytherins prepared for the game, some pacing, others working through different techniques in their heads. The sound of the crowd carried through the tent, increasing everyones adrenaline. Unlike the previous match against Hufflepuff, they knew this match wouldn't be as easy to win.

The cheers were deafening as they walked out onto the pitch, the mass of green and red supporters blurring together, waving their respective colour flags.

"The Slytherins walk out to the pitch, led by captain and beater Evan Rosier," Lockharts voice boomed around the pitch, "Followed by the second beater, Mulciber. Then Burke, McKinnon and Nott as Chasers, Avery as Keeper, and finally Black as seeker!"

The cheering of the crowds increased.

"And here we have the lions," the seven Gryffindors walked out the other side of the pitch, "Led of course by captain and chaser James Potter, the two other chasers King and Vance. Then we have beaters Black and Charmer, Clarke as the keeper, and taking up the rear is seeker Mary MacDonald!"

James and Evan shared an overly aggressive handshake, scowling at each other before all fourteen players kicked off into the air.

An hour into the game, the score was 80-80, and the players were beginning to tire. There had been no sign of the snitch, Regulus was hovering above, looking over the pitch, Mary doing the same thing a few feet away.

James was in possession, Theo flying next to him. The Slytherin bashed forcefully against the Gryffindor, causing him to drop the quaffle to El who had been waiting just below.

She stormed across the pitch towards the hoops, passing the quaffle to Marlene. She waited near one of the stands, watching Marlene score another goal, not paying attention to the bludger that Charmer had sent her way. It knocked El back into the stands, causing her to fall off the broom and towards the ground.


El squinted, trying to focus her eyes on the seven faces all staring down at her.

"See! I told you she's not dead!"

"Sirius, shut up."

She tried to sit up, laying back down when her head began to throb.

"God, you look dreadful,"

"Pads, shut up,"

"She'd be fine if your bloody beater hadn't tried to kill her,"

"Well that's not my fault, is it?"

Her vision cleared and she was finally able to place faces to the voices. Standing around her bed, with mixed expressions of concern, anger and amusement was the four marauders, Marlene, Regulus and Theo.

"The match," she croaked, coughing to clear her throat, "Who won?"

"I asked for a rematch honestly, it's unfair," James, who was sitting in the stool closest to her, answered.

"We lost?"

Her heart sank when the seven of them nodded.

"Regulus went down to see if you were okay and while he was distracted, MacDonald caught the snitch," Marlene explained.

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