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The mission described was simple; people would take turns monitoring who entered and left Borgin and Burke's for several weeks, noting any suspicious activity. El would show people where to hide so as to not be seen or heard. The partners people were to be going on missions with had been chosen several months back—El was with Morgan, and they were to start at 6am the next morning.

Everyone cleared out the large kitchen of the Fenwick residence, people leaving two at a time so as to not draw attention. El and James were some of the last to leave, she pulled her leather jacket back around her shoulders and nodded at Morgan.

"See you tomorrow," El said plainly.

"Bright and early!" Morgan replied, her usual cheer seemed forced.

They stood on the door step and James held his arm out for El to apparate them away.

"You go, i have something i need to do first," El said, subconsciously holding her jacket pocket.

"What is it?" James asked, curious rather than nosy.

"Nothing, i'll be back at yours in half an hour," she did not meet his eye until her sentence was finished, but when she did, she noticed James' face held less of a smile than before.

El leant up and pressed a quick peck to his lips before apparating away to avoid any further questioning.

She landed in the middle of Diagon Alley, the place was bustling with people, but she was looking for one in particular. She pushed past them until she saw a hooded figure who stepped towards her.

"El!" he exclaimed, wrapping his arms around her.

"Theo!" El held her cousin close, it had been around a month since she saw him last, but it felt like far longer.

Theo pulled her into the small alleyway between two shops. "Did you bring it?" he asked.

El removed Belvina's necklace from her pocket to show him, "Yes, but i don't understand why that's a secret."

Theo took the necklace and placed it safely under his cloak—he never wore muggle clothing, El wasn't sure if he even owned any.

"The buyer, he was very specific: no one can know his name, or that anyone even bought this," Theo whispered.

"How did he know it was for sale?"

Theo shrugged, "i dunno, i didn't ask."

"And this doesn't seem at all sketchy to you, that someone is acting like this in the middle of a war?"

"El, he's willing to give you ten times what the thing is worth, for that amount of money i wasn't planning on asking any questions."

El nodded, he had a fair point. She did not even know how much the necklace was worth, it was old, so it's value had no doubt decreased, but any money would be useful, and it came with the added sweetness that the necklace was stolen from Belvina. It was payback for being removed from her will.

It started to rain while they waited, but they had shelter between the two buildings. People were using their cloaks or bags as cover while they ran into different buildings.

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