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a/n: i probably shouldve put a tw earlier but there will be sensitive topics mentioned such as addiction, having an unhealthy relationship w food etc. im also gonna stop putting a mature content warning at the start of chapters bc i feel like it spoils the surprise. this story is gonna have a lot of smut, but ik thats why ur all on wattpad anyway.

Classes went along fairly uneventfully, Eleanor and James barely saying two words to each other. The full moon was that Wednesday, so Marlene came to spend the night in Eleanors dorm, as they had agreed they would wait for the boys to return, to ensure they were okay.

Both girls were too on edge to sleep, so were sat next to each other on the sofa, in silence, El's head on Marlenes shoulder, staring into the fire. The sound of three people entering the room diverted both their eyes from the fire and to James, Sirius and Peter all now standing in the door way.

El and Marlene immediately jumped up from the sofa and towards the three boys, searching their bodies for any sign of blood or bruise.

They led the boys to sit on the sofa, the Slytherins sitting opposite them on the coffee table. Eleanor, to no ones surprise, pulling out a bottle of fire whiskey, "Here," she offered the bottle to Sirius, who gladly took a sip, then to James.

"Letter, its 5am on a Thursday." he said, clearly very tired.

"Alcohol's good for injuries," El tried to reason.

"Yeh if you put it on a wound, not if you drink it," James shook his head at the girls logic.

"Same difference."

El offered her bed to Peter to sleep in, as it was clear he was the most tired, so she grabbed a blanket from the cupboard and moved around a few cushions to get comfy in the common room.

"Mckinnon, mate, you look knackered. You take my bed." James put a friendly hand on her shoulder and she thanked him, plodding off towards the head boys room. Sirius took the sofa, El and James being left with the floor. They grabbed some pair cushions off the loveseat and placed them infront of the fire, which was now starting to die out.

Once everything was set out, they both lay down, facing away from each other, feeling awkward since they had barely spoke in several days. "Was everythi-" El whispered, only to be cut off by James.

"Burke, i dont want to have a conversation right now. I'm tired."

Eleanor turned to face him, angry at his reaction. "I was going to ask you if everything was okay." She huffed.

"You sure you werent just gonna offer me more fire whiskey?" He was still facing away from her, but she could tell that he was just looking for reasons to be annoyed.

"Potter stop-"

"Go to sleep, Burke."


The next few days consisted of James and El continuing to stay out of each others way, which was made rather difficult by the fact they were in the same classes for everything. Being potions partners was now a lot more tense. The pair would bicker over anything and everything, causing most their potions to be an absolute mess.

The Friday just over two weeks after the full moon, was the evening of Slughorn's first Slug Club party, which El, Marlene, Remus and James had all been invited to. The Slytherins had decided to get ready in Marlene's dorm, to avoid an unnecessary argument with James. El had opted for a simple red silk dress, tying her hair in a loose low ponytail, and wearing some simple black heels.

"You got any fire whiskey?" El asked, pacing up and down, really not very keen on the idea of going.

"Of course, you think i'm gonna do this sober?" Marlene laughed, handing her a bottle from under her bed. El took it gratefully and took several large sips before handing it to her bestfriend.

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