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When Eleanor awoke the next morning she let out an internal groan after noticing she wasnt alone and wasnt wearing clothes.

For fuck sake.

She opened her eyes and instantly regretted it, pain searing through her head as she attempted to shield her eyes from the obnoxious invasion of light. Completely disregarding the presence of the boy next to her, she got out of bed, threw a jumper on and plodded to the common room. El massaged her temples while she walked, almost jumping out of her skin at the sound of the head boy's voice.

"Isn't it a beautiful morning?" he said with a smug smile. "I actually dont think its bright enough!" he walked over to the window and thrust the curtains open. El slammed her eyes shut and continued to nurse her headache. "How is it you drink almost daily, but still get hangovers?"

"Because each time i drink more than the last," she grumbled.

"Mornin' all."

El almost winced when the smug expression on James' face was wiped off at the sight of Evan emerging from her room.

Sensing the tense atmosphere, Evan broke the silence, "I'll just... go."

Eleanor merely nodded, cringing at the awkward encounter. Evan walked over to her and gave her a small hug, nodding tensely at James and swiftly leaving the common room.

The room remained quiet for a bit, the two heads not wanting to meet each others eyes.

"So you..?"

"Had sex? yeh."

James was taken aback by her blunt response, "Oh." Finally thinking about her actions, El cringed at herself.

They'd been at school for a week and she's already slept with two people. Good one Els.

James made a small "hmm" noise, as if he were evaluating what had happened.


"Nothing, nothing," he said defensively.

El crossed her arms and stared at him, "No. You're judging me."

"Not judging, you just... had sex with me that morning then someone else in the evening," he was very cautious about his words, sensing her mood.

"I've shagged you three times James, we arent married. Me and you said no strings, so why does it matter if i shag Evan?" she countered, clearly alot more riled up than before.

"It doesnt." he said, getting even more defensive and crossing his arms. "Go shag him again, for all i care."

"Maybe i will." she had no intention of doing so, at that moment she just wanted to annoy him as much as she could. "Mardy cunt," she muttered, quietly enough so that she thought he couldnt hear.

"Merlin, it must be exhausting to be such a prick all the time!" he said, exasperated.

Appearing unfazed by his anger, El laughed, "oh don't worry, darling, you make it very easy."


El reappeared from her bedroom a while later, after gaining a few hours of sleep, she was now in a notably better mood. James had left the dorms, so El decided to go find Marlene and to do something with her day, despite spending half of it asleep.

She walked down and out to the courtyard, to the tree her friends normally sat at, to find Marlene, Sirius and Remus. Two of the three were laughing as Remus was holding a book above his head, out of Sirius' reach, who was standing on his tip-toes in attempt to steal the book.

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