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After half an hour of redressing, showering and fixing their appearance, El and James made their way to the Gryffindor common, greeted by the loud applaud for the quidditch captain and someone blasting Bowie's Aladdin Sane album from the corner of the room.

"I'll be right back," James said in El's ear, placing a kiss on her temple and heading off to entertain the crowd of Gryffindors all cheering him.

El nodded, walking over to where Remus was sitting, watching his friends accept their praise with an amused smile. When he spotted the Slytherin approaching him, his smile turned to a smirk.

"You're limping," Remus chuckled, "Do i want to know why?"

"I doubt it," El sat down next to him, accepting the drink he'd offered. She watched James from a distance, he stood in the centre of the group, surrounded by people in younger years, several with scarlet and gold face paint.

Everybody seemed to love James, especially the younger years, it was something El had grown to notice over time, something that had originally annoyed her. He enjoyed being the centre of attention, and people enjoyed him being there. James Potter was a person people gravitated towards, even Eleanor after much effort not to, despite how frequently they usually argue.

He stood in the middle of the crowd, his face holding his signature smile, something we was rarely seen without. Students around him patted his back, and—those who could reach— ruffled his hair.

"You're pleased that he finished the list," Remus stated, breaking El from her thoughts. "I can tell, even if you won't admit it."

El's eyes reluctantly moved from James to the scarred boy next to her. "I'm glad they won the game," was all she said, not confirming or denying his point.

"The hickeys on your neck are just proving that i'm right, by the way," Remus whispered, chuckling when El moved her hair to cover her neck.

The music in the background changed, James' eyes connecting with El's at the sound of the familiar song.

Cold fire, you've got everything but cold fire...

James broke away from his group and towards El and Remus. "Mr Moony, i've come to save you from the company of this one," James took El's hand and pulled her off the sofa, "You're welcome."

"You're so kind," El said, nudging James with a sarcastic smile.

...So tired, it's the sky that makes you feel tried...

James pulled El to the middle of the room where several people were dancing, taking the drink from her hand and putting it on the table. He spun her under his arm, laughing at the way she tried to conceal a smile.

...It's a trick to make you see wide
It can all but break your heart, in pieces...

"Are you excited for tomorrow?" James asked, pulling her body back towards his, holding one of her hands in his, with the other on her waist as they rocked back and forth to the music in a terrible attempt at dancing.

"What's happening tomorrow?" El looked up at him with a half-scared smile, allowing him to spin her under his arm again.

"We are going on a date," he said, his hand disappearing up the back of her shirt and stroking her lower back with his thumb.

"Oh dear."

"Oh deer."

"You aren't funny."

...To sing a song of when I loved
The prettiest star...

James laughed and began to sway them back and forth even more dramatically than before.

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