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Christmas day 1977 was without a doubt the best Christmas El had ever had. They had woken up to the smell of Euphemia cooking bacon for breakfast, before they all went to the living room to exchange presents. James had informed Remus, Marlene and Peter of El's situation, so throughout the morning, three different owls arrived at the house, each holding three packages.

Mia and Monty had kindly bought El several presents when they went shopping, which they forced her to accept despite her pleas. ("We got the boys something, dearie, it's only fair,"). They'd bought her fluffy socks, a few books, and some Bowie posters to put on the walls of her new room.

She'd also received some records from Sirius, a dress and pair of heels from Marlene, a picture of the six of them in a photo frame from Peter, more incense for her room from Remus, and a new sketch book and pencils from James.

At around one o'clock, it started to snow, so throwing jackets over their pyjamas, the three teenagers ran outside.

Even in her slightly odd looking outfit of leather jacket over plaid pyjama tousers and a tank top, El looked almost ethereal in the snow. Her dark hair contrasted nicely to the background, each strand decorated with small white flecks. Her freckled cheeks we flushed from the cold and her storm coloured eyes looked brighter than usual with excitement.

Thinking ahead of both the boys, El scooped up a handful of snow and thew it the them as they walked closer, hitting them square in the face.
In response, they both pelted her with snow back, the friends staying outside until they were too cold to continue.

Once showered and in fresh clothes, they all sat in the living room to snuggle up on the sofa and watch 'It's a wonderful life', and by the time El started to get ready for Christmas dinner, she felt entirely at home at the Potters.

She'd chosen to wear the dress Marlene had got her, breifly looking in the mirror before Monty called them all down to have champagne.

Sirius and James both looked handsome as ever in smart suit trousers and button ups. "My my, don't you look nice?" Sirius smirked, looking at the dark haired witch who'd just entered the room.

"Wish i could say that same," she teased, nudging him with her elbow.

Mia handed round the glasses and held hers in the air, "To Christmas, and the growing Potter family," she toasted with a warm smile.

Everyone raised their glasses, clinking them in the centre. They followed Monty into the dining room where they pulled crackers and shared a joyful Christmas dinner together.

Walking back into the lounge all with their silly paper hats on, Mia refilled everyone's champagne, spending an hour or so in conversation before her and Monty decided to head up to bed. Sirius did the same not long after, smirking when he left El and James in the room alone.

"How have you found your first Potter Christmas?" James asked, turning to face her on the couch.

"Far better than any Burke Christmas," she commented, "Although that's a very low bar,"

James laughed, "I'm glad."

He refilled both their glasses, finishing off the bottle, "Did you like you're present?" El questioned.

He pulled a silver chain necklace with the head of a stag on it out from under the collar of his shirt, "Love it,"

El's forefinger traced over the rim of her glass, "You look surprisingly nice, tonight," she said, leaning back so she could see him fully.

"You're terrible at giving compliments," James laughed, giving her the same flirtatious look she was giving him.

"All right, i won't do it again then," she playfully crossed her arms and shuffled away from him.

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