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Marlene looked across at El with a blank expression on her face before starting to laugh, "so you and Potter have to share dorms? so your beds will be in the same room?"

"What?! no! i mean i don't think so, i think it just means that we have our owns rooms and share a common room" El answered her friend hastily before looking back down at her potatoes.

"Well let me know if you find any poems he wrote about that ginger girl, laying around" Marlene said while starting to laugh again.

El looked at Regulus, who sat to Marlenes right, in hope of getting some sympathy. Her efforts however were futile as he started laughing as well "Hey, do you reckon he sings in the shower?"

Marlene burst out laughing again as her best friend buried her face in her hands and let out a loud groan. Eleanor and Marlene had been friends with the Marauders since first year, however El never really took a liking to James. In her opinion he was always to loud, and never stopped talking about that ginger Evans girl that Snape used to be friends with. Though for the sake of her friends, El had always put up with James and would just swiftly leave the room when the conversation found its way back onto Evans. But as Marlene was now making abundantly clear, that was going to be a lot harder to do if she lived with Potter.

"Promise you'll come visit me?" El pleaded to her best friend, hoping that Marlene being there would make James' company more bearable.

"yeh, course i will, you could host parties in there without any youngers turning up" Marlene said still laughing slightly.

El raised an eyebrow and shot a confused look at the blonde, "Not sure thats a very 'head girl' thing to do, but we'll see"

Marlene clapped her hands together excitedly, earning questioning looks from other Slytherins sitting near by, Regulus just laughed at the older girls behaviour and turned to converse with a boy sat on the other side of him.

Marlene's gaze returned to El but noticed her eyes were looking over the blonde girls shoulder at the Gryffindor table. "Potter and Co. are staring at us again"

The blonde followed her friends gaze, looking over at the Gryffindor table, causing the four boys to hurriedly look back down at their food again. The two Slytherin girls laughed at the odd behaviour of their friends, shaking their heads as Marlene changed the subject "Really though, what happened to your nails?" she questioned as the pair started laughing again.

"i honestly dont know but if my mother saw them she'd faint" El replied, looking at her nails with an amused look on her face.


"Prongs!" Sirius spoke, waving a hand in front of the messy-haired boys face, snapping him out of his trance. James jumped at the sudden movement but still remained silent and kept his gaze planted on the Slytherin table.

"Prongs, Evans is looking at you." Remus said in a hope get James to speak.

"i think he's broken" Sirius whispered to the sandy haired boy next to him, before the other three boys followed James' eye-line to see what he was looking at. Two Slytherin girls sat laughing on the table parallel to theirs. They kept looking, trying to figure out why the girls grasped James' attention so much, when the blonde who had her back to the boys, turned round to look back at them. As she did so, the four marauders quickly looked back at the food on their plates, slightly embarrassed.


El stood waiting by the doors of the great hall, watching all the houses file out of the room, the blur of excited chatter about the return to school merged into one mass of noise.

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