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By the third week of term, the entire castle had learnt to not get on the bad side of a hungover Eleanor May Burke, and considering she was hungover most mornings, it was safest to just not annoy her at all. Although apparently someone failed to inform James Potter of this, as he had now found his latest form of entertainment was annoying her as much as he could.

One saturday evening in late september, James had decided it would be a brilliant idea to steal the curtains from eleanor's room half way through the night, meaning she was woken up at the crack of dawn by an obnoxious amount of sunlight.


A shout almost loud enough to wake the entire castle rang through the head's dorm. Grabbing a glass of water on her way, El stormed into James' room and threw the contents of her glass over his sleeping body. He awoke with a start but laughed when he realised why he'd been woken up.

"Well, Letter, dont you look radiant this morning?" he put his hands behind his head and looked at her with an amused expression.

"Why are there no curtains in my room?!"

"I don't know darling, why are there no curtains in your room?" he said smugly, enjoying her rage very much.

"Bambi im not joking i will kill you." she began to tie her hair up, as if preparing for a fight. James knew what she was doing so grabbed her wrists to stop her from moving.

"Easy tiger,"

She simply glared at him as a response and was about to walk out the room when she turned back a pulled out her wand. "Aguamenti" a large flow of water splashed in James' face, who had just closed his eyes again to go back to sleep. The cold water caused him to jump out of bed suddenly, glaring at her once he realised what she'd done. El shook her head, laughing, James' discomfort causing her mood to mildly improve. But she decided, since she was up, she might as well do something with her time so she went down to the quidditch pitch for some extra practice.


The head of dirty blonde hair flying around the pitch made her inwardly the groan. The quidditch captain noticed her approaching and touched down on the ground to greet his fellow teammate.

As Evan went to hug her, her body tensed up, not liking the unnecessary contact.

"Hey babes, what're you doing here?"

She cringed at what he'd called her, "Don't call me that." she said through gritted teeth. He retreated a little at her tone. "I just wanted some practice."

He nodded and she took that as the conversation ending, walking past him towards the centre of the pitch. "Wait, El!" he called. she rolled her eyes and clenched her jaw, still facing the way she'd been walking. "Hogsmeade trips start next week, i was wondering if you wanted to go with me... like ... as a date,"

She turned to face him, her whole body was tense now, "I dont date, Rosier. You know that."

His shoulders slumped, "Not even one date?"


Evan nodded and walked back to the castle without another word. In hindsight she probably should've sugar coated it, but she hadn't had enough sleep to care about his feelings that morning. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail and mounted her broom, kicking off firmly and flying around for most of the morning.

By about 11 o'clock, more and more people began to emerge from the castle, going to sit by the lake or out for walks with their friends. El walked back up and headed for the dungeons, in search of Marlene, who she found slumped over one of the leather sofas in the Slytherin common room, legs draped sideways across it.

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