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After the awkward events of Sunday's patrol, Eleanor did everything in her power to avoid James. She'd get back to the common room late and wake up early in the mornings, leaving without a word. She didn't even wait for him on the sofa after the full moon, instead she sat in her room with her back against the door, waiting he hear the sound of James stumbling back in the early hours of the morning.

She managed to successfully avoid him for about a week, until halloween began to get closer, meaning Sirius' birthday was also approaching. One of the biggest parties of the year was always held in the Gryffindor common room on the night of the 31st, joining the celebrations of the two events.

Halloween fell on a Saturday that year, so the weekend before that, the marauders and the two Slytherins all went into Hogsmeade to buy costumes and birthday presents for the Black boy.

The marauders needed far less time to get their costumes so they separated from the girls and went to The Three Broomsticks to wait for them.

Marlene and El walked slowly through the shop, picking up various items to try on, and asking each other for opinions. After an hour or so of trying costumes, the girls payed and headed to The Three Broomsticks to meet back up with the boys.

Only when the two arrived at their usual booth, their four friends were sitting at a table with two Gryffindor girls. El and Marlene managed to squish into the end of the bench, Marlene being a lot more friendly to the two girls who were already seated.

"Hey Lily.... Mary, right?" the blonde asked.

A girl with brown curly hair and dark skin nodded and introduced herself as Mary macdonald.

"So how come you two are here?" El made no attempt to be nice to Mary and Lily, not liking the unfamiliar company.

Marlene sent her friend a warning glance as if to say be nice, but Lily shook her head, "Oh, we came over to say hi, we were just leaving," she said, feeling uncomfortable under Eleanor's glare.

"okay bye," El said a little too quickly, with a smile she made no attempt to real. The Slytherin girls stood up to let Mary and Lily leave, to sit down in their place in an awkward silence.

"What costumes did you guys get?" Remus questioned in an attempt to break the tension.

"Marlenes going as a pirate and im going as the devil." replied El in a mood contrasting with her one from a moment ago.

"The devil," James scoffed, "Seems fitting."

Eleanor glared at him, unsure of whether the comment was malicious or just a friendly joke, given the pair had barely spoken in a week.

"What about you guys?" Marlene cut in before El had the chance to argue with James.

"That, my dear, is a surprise," Sirius smirked as he spoke, the boys all sharing glances.

When Madame Rosmerta came over, the group all ordered butterbeers, except El amd Sirius who both wanted firewhiskey, causing the rest of the group to roll their eyes.

"El and Marls, you excited for the first match of the year?" Peter asked, taking a sip of his drink.

The match was tomorrow, against Hufflepuff. There was a reason that Slytherin wasnt training the day before it. Evan was very confident they would win, so were the rest of the team if they were honest.

"Yep, would be nicer if it were more of a challenge though." El replied with a small smile to the blonde boy causing James to roll his eyes.

The sound of the bell jingling above the door caused the heads of the six of them to turn in that direction at the head of greasy black hair that had just entered the room. Snape made his way over to the table by the back accompanied by Malfoy, Mulciber and ...

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