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Lucky for many hoping for a date, Valentines day 1978 was on a Sunday. Marlene had disappeared early in the day for her date with Dorcas, and due to their recent loss, Slytherin had no more quidditch matches for the rest of term, which left El with no plans for the day.

There was still a light dusting of snow outside, and Eleanor could see couples walking through the courtyard, all with a spring in their step, excited for their dates.

She'd woken up to James bringing her tea in bed (number 1), then him sitting in the common room, complaining obnoxiously while continuing to read 'War and peace', making incredibly slow progress.

El forced herself out from under her duvet—trying to not disturb Ben who was sleeping at the end of her bed—and sat on one of the steps leading down from her room, holding her tea and watching James with an entertained smile.

"Is it getting any more interesting yet?" she chuckled, already knowing the answer to the question.

"Nope," he huffed, putting the book face down on his chest, she could see from the pages that he still had way over half to go.

"If you don't want to read it, why don't you just give Sirius fifteen galleons?" she enquired.

"What?" James looked at her over the top of his glasses.

Shrugging her shoulders, El shuffled over and sat on one of the loveseats, pulling the sleeves of her jumper over her hands. "If you don't want to complete the list, just give Sirius his fifteen galleons. That way i win the bet, and Sirius still gets his money,"

James scoffed, "You think that's why i'm doing this?" he took his feet off the table and leant his forearms on his knees, "You think i'm doing all the things on this fucking list so that Sirius can win some stupid bet?!" he waved the parchment containing the list as he spoke.

"Well yeh i thought-"

"Have you read 'war and peace'?! Don't, it's the most boring book ever written," his face held an exasperated expression, sending a ripple of guilt up El's spine. "Do you really think i wore your underwear for a day just so Sirius could get fifteen galleons? No, i did it because..."

Placing her tea down on the coffee table, she looked at James pleadingly, urging him to continue.

"God, your so oblivious!" he left the book on the sofa and stormed into his room, El waited a second to think over what he'd said before following after him. She stood cautiously at the door, James with his back to her, facing the window.

"Do you really not know why i'm doing this?" he turned around to perch on the edge of the window seat.

Hesitantly, El shook her head, taking a small step further into the room. "Tell me,"

Wanting to elaborate, but not knowing how, James just stared at her blankly, before taking a deep breath. "It's because every time i see you, i just..." he stood up and walked towards her.

He paused when he was about three feet away. "You just what?" she snapped, becoming frustrated at how long it was taking him to explain himself.

Taking two more large strides towards her, James took Eleanors face in both hands and brought his lips to hers.

He kissed her softly, at first, then with a swift graduation of intensity that made her cling to him as the only solid thing in a dizzy room. There was raw emotion in the way his hands curled around the back of her neck, desperately trying to bring her closer.

They'd kissed before, but this one filled with something their other hadn't been. James pulled apart but kept her face close to his.

"I thought i'd already made that obvious," James chuckled lowly, El's head still in his hands.

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