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Remus tried to pull back the piece of paper but it did not move. "It's charmed," he sighed, "Someone wanted no one to see this."

"How accurate is this thing?" El asked, picking up the book an examining it.


"So i have another sibling?"

Remus nodded slightly.

"Oh," she took a deep breath, "Are they dead? Why do i not know who they are?"

Remus pointed to the page, "Half sibling," he corrected, "The line for you and Luke is coming down from between Alfred and Belvina, the other sibling is separate, it only connects to Alfred."

El ran her hands through her hair, trying her best to process what she was being told. "So you're saying my dad is still alive and has a child that i know nothing about?"


El stood and frantically packed all her books back into her bag. "I need a drink."

"El i'm sorry-"

"S'fine," was all she said before swiftly leaving the library and heading to her dorm.

When El walked through the tapestry, James was already in there, lying on the sofa asleep with a bundle of brown fur curled up on his chest. She went straight for the cupboard by the sink and pulled out a bottle of firewhiskey, taking a few large gulps before putting it back. James opened one eye when he heard her movements and gave her a small smile.

"You look awfully relaxed for someone who has exams in a few weeks," El chuckled.

Ben woke and padded away when James' chest vibrated with a light laugh. "Revising is boring," he pointed to a charms book on the coffee table, surrounded by a few pages of rough notes. "I have something for you," James suddenly stood, having just remembered something, and darted off to his room.

When James returned, he was carrying a small gold gift bag, swinging it playfully. "This-" he thrust the bag forward, "-is for you. I was meant to give it to you after the party on your birthday."

El cautiously took the bag from him, half expecting it to explode in her face. She peered inside, where there was a small bundle of red fabric and lace. With an amused raised eyebrow, she pulled her present out the bag and held it up in front of her face.

"You got me lingerie for my birthday? More of a present for you than it is for me," she smiled at the pleasant distraction from her conversation with Remus earlier. "How did you know my size?"

James gave her a nonchalant shrug, "I've seen you naked enough times to know your measurements."

El raised her eyebrows, impressed.

"Go put it on, you're far too clothed for my liking," James nodded towards her bedroom, lips slanted in that eternal smirk of his. El rolled her eyes, but obliged.

"Don't get too excited, i still have some potions revision to do," El called, loud enough for James to hear her through her bedroom door.

"We have all evening, darling," he called back.

Once she had fully changed, she looked at herself for a while in the full length mirror. The lingerie fit her like a glove, sheer lace barely covering anything yet still leaving enough to the imagination.

"It fits," El said, not moving from her position in front of the mirror. She tied all her hair in a high ponytail and grabbed her dressing gown, wrapping it around her body.

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