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"What do you think it would take to convince Burke to go on a date?" Sirius pondered.

The four marauders were up in their dorm, even James who had barely been there since the start of term, sitting on hid old bed.



"A love potion"

James, Peter and Remus all replied simultaneously. Sirius, who been trying to figure out how to plait his own hair, flopped face first onto his bed.

"Ughhh," he mumbled into his duvet, "I refuse to lose this bet!"

"Why?" Remus looked up from the book he'd been reading, "You have plenty of money, why does fifteen galleons matter so much?"

"It's not about the money," Sirius sighed, propping his head up on his hands, "She's so stubborn. I just want to prove her wrong," he huffed.

"I'll ask her," James suggested with a casual shrug.

"Ahh i forgot about your little crush," Remus teased.

"I don't have a crush," he defended, "I'm just trying to help out Pads,"

"You smelt her in you amortentia. You have a crush," Remus chuckled, clearly unconvinced of what James was saying.

"Ask her out then. Sirius wins the bet, James gets a girlfriend; it's win-win situation," Peter spoke up, laying on his own bed with the marauders map placed in front of him.

"She'll say no," Sirius grumbled.

Offended, James turned to the boy opposite him, "What?! No she wont,"

"She will. She said she doesn't want a boyfriend, you won't be able to change her mind," the werewolf reasoned.

"Always the voice of positivity, Moony," James quipped, receiving a childish grimace in return.

"Moony's right,"


Sirius rolled over and sighed deeply, "You can try, but she'll say no,"

"Alright," James stood up and shrugged on a jumper, "I'll be back when i have a date,"

"I'll miss you!" Remus called after him as he descended the stairs.


Heading straight to their common room, James found El sitting on the windowsill of her room, with Marlene sitting on the bed.

"Alright, ladies?"

They shared a look before turning to face him, both with eyebrows raised. "What do you want, Bambi?" El sighed.

Still panting from walking so quickly, James stared at Marlene expectantly, hoping she'd get the message to leave, which she did.

"Ohh," realisation came over her face, "Yeh, i'll see you at dinner, El" and with that she stood up and left the room, closing the door behind her.

"What?" El said after a moment of silence with James still standing at the other side of the room.

"So umm... Valentines day is in three weeks," he began, walking over and taking a seat where Marlene had previously been.

"Whats your point?" she looked at him through half lidded eyes.

"Have you got a date?"

Any attention that had previously not been on him now was. She narrowed her eyes at him, "You know the answer to that,"

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