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Eleanor awoke the next morning to see a head of messy brown hair tucked into the crook of her neck, and two strong arms wrapped tightly around her waist. She kept her eyes closed and began to absentmindedly play with James' curls, not wanting to separate herself from the warmth of his body. James made a small humming noise, signalling the he was awake and was enjoy the feeling of her hands massaging his scalp. He tightened his grip on her waist and burried his head further into the crevice where her neck met her shoulders.

"Are you doing anything important today?" james spoke quietly, not wanting to ruin the serenity of the morning. She didn't say anything or open her eyes, but James could feel her shake her head, still both half asleep. He gently kissed her part of her neck where his head was resting, "Good."

Not yet wanting to get out of bed, El and James remained in that position for a while, drifting in and out of sleep. Although when an obnoxious amount of sunlight poked through the curtains of the head boys dorm, James removed himself of their position and plodded to the sink to get a glass of water.

Only opening one eye, El admired the muscles in his back as he walked away, the only clothing he was wearing being his boxers. As he returned to the bedroom, she continued to watch the way his toned arms and chest reflected the sunlight.

James handed her some water and she sat up in bed, thanking him and taking a slow sip from the glass. "Will you be ready in half an hour?" he asked.

Incredibly confused by his question, El furrowed her eyebrows, "Why?"

"We're going to hogsmeade," he replied simply, as if the answer was obvious.

"Again, why?" she sat up even more and leaned against the headboard, looking down at her attire and remembering she was still in James' hoodie and boxers.

"Because i want to," he shrugged on a shirt and ruffled his hair in the mirror to try get it to lay flat.

El sighed, putting her glass down on his bedside table, "I don't wanna go on a date with you, Bambi."

Unaffected by her comment, he dragged her to the edge of the bed by her ankles, "I wasn't asking, i was telling you" he pulled her so she was standing up, "Can you walk normally?"

She noticed her legs were still a little but overall she was fine, "Yes but-"

"Perfect, now go have a shower, you look dreadful," James joked as he pushed the Slytherin girl in the direction of the bathroom.


After showering to remove the remainders of last nights makeup off her face, El used a quick spell to dry and style her hair and went to put on some clothes, not entirely knowing why she was agreeing to this. In all fairness, it was a Sunday and she didn't have anything better to do since quidditch practice had been cancelled since Slytherin didn't have another match for at least a month.

When she walked back into her room, James was sitting on her bed, waiting patiently for her while levitating random objects. Completely ignoring his presence, El removed her towel and began to get dressed, James attention immediately being diverted onto her almost naked body. She stood in front of her wardrobe, wearing nothing but matching black underwear, her back facing James. While she was choosing something to wear, he came and stood close behind her, playing with her bra strap with his fingertips.

His breath on her neck, caused goosebumps to erect on her skin, inwardly cursing her body's natural reaction to his touch. "I like the plaid skirt," he whispered, leaning his head down so his mouth was level with her ear. She did her best to not show the effect he was having on her, which became much more difficult when he began to leave chaste kisses down her neck.

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