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The morning two days after the February full moon, El woke up the the sound of Pink Floyd coming from James' dorm. With a small laugh, she got out of bed and plodded to his room.

Crossing her arms, she leant against the door frame, "Number 14," she smirked.

James looked up at her, massaging his head, "Yep," he huffed.

Eleanor walked towards James and perched on the end of his bed, leaning her back against his bed posts. She chuckled as James stuffed his head between his pillows to block out the noise.

"How is reading 'War and peace' going?" she questioned.

At that, James groaned and pushed his head further into his pillow, "I still have over 1000 pages to go," he grumbled into the fabric.

"What about number 5?"

Still face down on his bed, James let out a big sigh and reached into his trousers to pull out the waist band of her red g-string.

"You tease!" she joked, receiving a middle finger in reply.

James rolled over so he could look at her, "It's worth it though," he said earnestly.

El furrowed her eyebrows, urging him to explain himself further.

"Completing the list. It's all worth it,"

Taken aback by his honesty, El looked down at her hands, in search of what to say. A moment of silence went by. "Really?"

James sent her a weak smile and nodded.

"Oh fuck, i was meant to bring you tea today!" he snapped out of his trance, jumping out of bed and limping towards the door. "Go back to bed so i can give you your tea,"

Not bothered to walk back to her own room, Eleanor moved further onto James' bed, sitting up against the head board. She rearranged the pillows to make herself comfortable and hummed along when a song she liked came on.

Still walking weirdly, due to the discomfort caused from El's underwear, James came back in a put her mug on his bedside table and went to sit next to her on the bed. Taking the tea in both hands, she leant her head against James' shoulder, continuing to hum the tune.

"Suppose Pink Floyd's not that bad,"

In truth, James wasn't paying much attention to the music coming from the record player, only the small sounds emitted from El's mouth.

"I told you," she stopped humming to reply to James, looking up at him with a cheeky grin.


Valentines day was now just over a week away, and James had now completed five of the tasks on Eleanors list (her and Remus had pierced James and Sirius' ears, which they were both very pleased with). He was still making slow progress with 'War and peace' and was trying to come up with a good prank for Dumbledore.

"Morning," El sat down at her desk next to James.

"Morni- Fuck!"

"9:01. You're getting worse, Prongs," Sirius looked at his watch and shook his head.

El cracked a grin, "I knew you'd never be able to go silent for an entire day,"

"I've done it before! I had to keep a mandrake leaf in my mouth for a whole month, i must've been silent for at least a day then!" he said exasperatedly, letting his head fall down to rest on the table.

No one replied as Slughorn was now at the front of the room, calling for everyone's attention.

The lesson passed quickly, James and El only bickering a few times, which seemed rather impressive.

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