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Tents did not keep out much light, so the next morning, El and James woke with the sun, as did the others. The tent was hot, and still had that sweaty smell of sex from the night before, so James unzipped the door by their feet, but neither made any effort to actually leave the tent. Neither were wearing any clothes, other than the thin pair of boxers protecting El's backside from James' morning glory.

They could hear the sound of tents unzipping and the others going back out to sit on their camping chairs. El made a groaning noise of protest, acknowledging that they were soon to be disturbed by someone, probably Sirius.

James tightened his grip, pulling El even closer against his front, nuzzling his face into her hair. She could feel his hardness against her, causing her to smirk and teasingly grind back against him.

James let out an involuntary moan. "I hate you," he grumbled into the back of her neck.

El wiggled against James again, laughing as the strong arms wrapped around her body held her in place to prevent her movements.

"Wake up, sleepyheads!" Sirius bellowed, shaking their tent from the outside.

"Fuck off, Padfoot," James said, still half asleep with his eyes closed.

"Either of you lovebirds want coffee? Me 'n' Dorcas are gonna go get some," Marlene shouted in the general direction of their tent.

"Yeah," they replied simultaneously.

The two of them lay silently for a few more moments, trying to savour their last minutes of peace when someone threw something (they guessed it was a shoe) at their tent.

"Get up, you lazy sods," Sirius commanded, walking to retrieve his shoe.


It was past eleven before anyone was ready to do anything. The sky was a grim grey, as was the sea, and it was drizzling lightly (of course it was, it's England) as they ran along the wet sand towards the sea. The beach was deserted apart from their towels that sat further up on the sand dunes.

Although they had decided against Sirius' idea of skinny dipping, their swimsuits provided very little warmth against the cold of the sea, but no one seemed to care. The seven all ran straight into the water, laughing as Peter tripped and belly-flopped into a wave.

They'd been swimming for hours when James lifted El onto his shoulders, Remus doing the same with Marlene, the two girls wrestling to push the other in the water. James gripped El's thighs tightly, holding her in place, refusing to let her lose against Marlene—in which he succeeded.

After they dried off, Remus, El and Peter decided to venture to the nearest town to stock up on food, beer, and cigarettes while the others took a nap. They walked along the quiet, narrow road, following the direction of the church spire for their only source of navigation.

"I told you all that the amount of alcohol we packed wouldn't be enough. You should've listened, i'm always right, i thought you would've learnt that by now," El tutted, as they walked.

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say," Remus jokingly rolled his eyes, sharing a look with Peter.

They walked back the same road in the opposite direction about an hour later, carrying several cases of beer, a food bag and four boxes of cigarettes.

The rain had cleared from earlier, although the sky remained the same dingy shade of grey. As they walked down the small path to where they had pitched the tent, a silver shape appeared in front of them. It was a phoenix. The bird spoke in Dumbledore's voice, a few short, blunt words:

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