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That Tuesday was the third of November, which was Sirius Orion Black's birthday. A fact that he was about to make everyones problem.

It started early in the morning, when his arrival to the great hall was announced by his three friends, who then made everyone sing happy birthday to him.

El and Marlene observed the debacle with an amused smile, yet not joining in with the song. Sitting diagonally from her, with his back to the rest of the hall, Regulus sat with his head down, desperately trying to ignore the scene his brother was causing.

When they'd finished breakfast, El and Marlene headed to defence against the dark arts to see the four marauders standing outside the classroom. The two girls hugged Sirius to say happy birthday, giving him his presents to unwrap later.

To draw even more attention to the birthday boy, James had crafted a crown for him to wear all day that would spontaneously burst into various birthday related songs when Sirius at random points in the day. By the third lesson she'd had with him and the tenth song, El had heard enough.

"Sirius i will break that crown if you dont get it to shut up," she warned, with the full intention of carrying out her threat.

"Relax, Burke, its just a bit of fun," Sirius reasoned, unbothered by the girls bad mood.

El crossed her arms and took a few steps towards him, "I'm being serious, i will-"

"Well thats the worst impression of me i've ever heard," Sirius grinned, very proud of the pun he'd come up with.

Clearly not amused, El took several forceful paces towards Sirius, who quickly ran away towards his seat just a McGonagall entered the classroom.

El was seated next to Remus for this class, with Sirius next to James and Marlene next to Peter on the other side of the classroom, so she didn't have much to complain about. She wasn't entirely in the mood to listen to what was going on, so took to doodling on a random piece of paper to stop herself from drifting off.

After McGonagall had explained through everything for what seemed like hours, the classed was dissmissed and everyone made their way to the great hall for lunch.

This meal time was also ruined by chants wishing Sirius a happy birthday, as was dinner. The phrase now having lost its meaning due to the frequent repetition of it.


As evening approached, El, Marlene, Remus and Peter all sat in the heads common room, reading peacefully or completing left over bits of homework.

The tranquility of the room was demolished by a loud exploding sound coming from the distance, the four shared confused looks with each other before diverting their attention back to what they were previously doing.

Another loud explosion sounded from down the corridor, followed by muffled shouting, then James and Sirius practically falling through the tapestry and jumping onto the sofa, James landing on top of the two girls who already occupied the seats.

Closing his book, Remus turned to the newest additions to the room with an unimpressed gaze, "What did you do?"

"Nothing," James replied, trying to look as casual as he could.

Peter let out a laugh behind his hand, "Bullshit."

"Nobody died, alright?" Sirius said from his position sprawled across the loveseat, on top of Remus.

"What kind of answer is that?" Marlene laughed, clearly more amused than the mixture of concerned and annoyed faces from her other friends.

"I don't care what you did, just get off," El grumbled, pushing James off of her, causing him to roll onto the floor.

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