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Remus looked over at his blissfully ignorant friend. He walked to where James was standing and held the box up to his face, "Smell familiar?"

He watched the cogs turn in the raven haired boys head, having to wait a while before his eyes widened in the same way Remus' had.

"Sandalwood," James breathed, "Wha- no... w-" his mouth hung open for a few moments, "No," he pointed at his friend before grabbing his tea and taking it over to the sofa.

"I don't know why you're so shocked, Prongs," Remus said casually, sitting down next to the bespectacled boy and putting his feet on the table.

"I'm sure it doesn't mean anything, it's just a nice smell, that's all," James tried to calm himself down, however the werewolf looked unconvinced.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night," he said with a smirk, taking a sip of his tea.


As November came to a close, El and James had made no progress with their argument, still going about their day not talking to each other and having to endure incredibly awkward patrols. The longer the pair went without talking, the more stubborn they became.

James tried desperately to ignore his recent discovery, however this was made increasingly difficult as Remus had informed the other two marauders, and the three of them found it hilarious.

In a hope to mend El and James' friendship, the marauders and Marlene had managed to force the pair to join them on a trip to The Three Broomsticks.

They sat down at a table for six, Remus and Sirius going up to the bar to charm Madam Rosmerta into giving them free drinks. This left the table in an awkward silence. El and James were sat next to each other, despite there complaints, but were sitting on the edge of their chairs, as far away from each other as they could get.

Suddenly, the places next to El and Marlene - where Remus and Sirius had been sitting - were now occupied by two young men, slightly older than the group of seventh years.

"Not on a date, are you, my darlings?" the one sat next to Marlene spoke first, he had dark hair and dark eyes, was short but broad and had a bruise on the side of his face.

El scoffed slightly too loudly, "No,"

At this, the blonde one next to her moved closer, "Would you like to be?"

El and Marlene looked at each other, both with faces of disgust. The two men looked like they hadn't had a shower in several weeks, and reeked of alcohol.

"I like girls, so you're barking up the wrong tree," Marlene sat back in her seat, leaning further away from the two intruders.

They both exchanged a look of judgment about Marlenes statement and turned their attention to El, who was clearly very uncomfortable under their gaze. James put a protective arm on the back of her chair, glaring at the two men.

"What about you, sweetheart?" the brunette one asked, his smell wafting towards her as he moved.

Not liking their close proximity, El was forced to move closer to James to get further away from them, "No,"

The blonde one placed a hand on her shoulder, which James was quick to bat away, "Look, mate, just leave her alone, alright?"

Before either of the men had a chance to speak, Sirius and Remus returned from the bar with drinks in hand.

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