Memories Pt.2

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   *im definitely tempering with the ending of "Avengers" so that it will fit the story*

   You woke in a brightly lit room, a white blanket draped on top of you and a hard cot beneath you with a soft pillow under your head. You grunted and sat up taking in your surroundings as your head pounded and your body ached. The room was small with greyish blue walls and one door, to your discomfort there were no windows. You got the feeling you were trapped in this room so quickly; despite the pain; you got up and tried the door; it was unlocked.

   You were confused. "Ooooookaaay." You looked around through the door. You were definitely in Stark tower the hallway though is unfamiliar to you, no one was around, no guards walking around. 'Well that's do you expect to keep me prisoner with the door unlocked and no guards!' You looked back into the room; nothing just a cot and a glass of water on the small table. You began walking the hallway trying to remember where you were; trying to remember what happened before you blacked out.  The hallway was long and had many turns you took one trying to remember as best you could until you ended up in a room you recognized. It was the living area where all the Avengers would hang out...but there was still no one around.

   Your thoughts were interrupted by a shooting pain in your head clouding your hearing by a sharp ringing noise. You covered your ears with your hands the sound and pain growing stronger tears formed in your eyes, you quickly shut them tight and crouched down to the floor. Everything around you becoming non-existent as the pain overwhelmed you. You felt arms wrap around you; despite the ringing and the pain you shot up getting into stance. But your steps were sloppy and you almost fell over, when your vision focused you saw Pepper standing in front of you a sad look in her eyes. You slowly dropped your stance in relief that you would not have to fight like this, the ringing still prominent in your ears and the pain still pounding your skull. She carefully walked to you and put her hands on your shoulders; a gentle touch almost calming you completely. Her eyes were soft and kind she put a hand on your cheek wiping away tears you didn't know you had. She had always reminded you of Frigga. You gave a small but painful smile.

   "Here take this." Her voice was gentle and she handed you a pill. You took it not questioning her. "That will help with your head." You thanked her. But the questions started to fill your head again. She noticed and smiled. "Come on we have a lot to talk about." You followed her, she soon led you to the top floor. Tony was there working on some papers but when he heard the door close he looked up to see you and Pepper standing there. You gave an awkward wave and smiled the pain subsiding just a little. He gawked at you and stood up walking towards you both.
   "How-wha-the hell?" He looked at you confusion on his face. "How long have you been awake?" You knitted your eyebrows together trying to find out what was going on. Where is the mess? What happened to the aliens? The chaos outside?
   "I don't know...a few minutes maybe?" Your voice sounded small. Pepper put a reassuring hand on your shoulder as Tony ran a hand through his hair sharing glances at you and Pepper.
   "Let's go sit down y/n" she took you over to the couch and you were grateful, the pill was helping some but not entirely and you needed to sit down. After no one said anything for a while and you got tired of Tony staring at you, you spoke.
   "So what happened??" You pressed your fingers to your temples to easy the pain.
   "How much do you remember?" Tony got up and poured himself a drink." You thought for a moment.
   "I remember arguing with Steve but that's about it. Past that it's really fuzzy."
   "Well kid, you snuck in here in the middle of a battle. Which, by the way ended over a week ago. Snuck in here, confronted Loki, and then got yourself thrown out a window. Ring any bells?" His voice was raised slightly, obviously annoyed by you putting yourself in so much danger.
   "What?..." your voice was barley a whisper. 'Loki..' "I-I remember coming here and him a little." You put your head in between your hands it throbbing in pain but you refused to cry. "I...I thought he would remember..." Pepper put a hand on your back bringing you into a comforting hug and then let you go putting her hands on your face.
   "It's okay. We'll tell you everything we know." She smiled and you smiled back. You looked over at Tony he had his arms crossed and his expression was unreadable but if you had to guess he was going to apologize. He came and sat across from you drink in hand.
   "I'm sorry y/n." 'Bingo.' He shifted "for not being able to save you." You could tell he didn't do this often.
   You held back a giggle. "It's okay Tony. I'm just mad at myself for such a stupid decision." You began to mumble. "I should have known better than to trust the god of mischief.." Tony and Pepper shared a glance. Pepper looked at you,
   "Y/n, it was Loki who saved you." You looked into her eyes, she was dead serious.
   "What?" you looked out the window. "Ok I think you should start from the beginning."

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