A special day Pt. 2

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"You see?...I-I can't, I'm s-so sorry." You were what people called a blackout, a blackout is considered a freak because they can manipulate reality, change it, make it bend to there will. They got there name from there eyes, which were surrounded in black and had no color to them, you had used a small amount of your gift to change the reality to make it appear that you had normal eyes. They were considered too powerful, and for them to use there powers could cost them there life, and it could risk you losing the one person that is most important to you. "I'm s-sorry I n-n-never told you." You couldn't stop the tears running down your face. "I-I-I just d-didn't want to risk-" You were stopped mid sentence by Loki smashing his lips onto yours, his hands cupped your face. He kissed you passionately and long, you wrapped your arms around his neck holding him close. He gave way resting his forehead on yours. He kissed the tears on your cheeks and then your lips softly.
   "Y/n...there is nothing, that could keep me from loving you." You heard him give a small chuckle. "I had a whole speech and everything." You gave a small smile he always knew how to make you feel better. He looked into your eyes his hand lifting your chin. "You know, I think they suit you." He smiled lovingly at you "y/n you are the love of my life." He brushed the hair out of your face. "If anything or anyone was to cause you harm...let's just say they would not live long enough to see another day" He smirked but you could see that he was holding back his tears. "I just don't understand why? Why didn't you tell me?" He looked at you concerned; heartbroken.
   "Loki; I love you, with every bone in my body, but if you were to-" you tried not to think about what would happen if anyone found out. Holding back sobs you finished your sentence "to be killed...because of me! I couldn't live with myself!" Then the tears came and this time they didn't stop. "I tried! I tried so h-hard! I wanted to tell y-you! I r-really did! B-b-but I just couldn't..." you gave a shaky sigh not bringing yourself to look up at him. "I couldn't bring myself to the reality that you might leave me, so I continued to hide." You let out a weak chuckle. "I was a coward. Scared that I wouldn't be able to protect myself if word got out." You looked at the ground ashamed and embarrassed as you felt his arms wrap around you, his face buried in your hair. You could feel his cold tears running down your neck.
   "You are no coward. I know you are strong and independent and intelligent, but if you stay mine, and mine forever you will be treated as the queen you are. You need not fear anything darling, because I will protect you with my life. I would rather die then see you in pain." He whispered his sweet words of reassurance to you. You hugged him close then cupped his face in your hands, you could feel the cold tears beneath your fingers as you brushed them away with your thumbs. You looked at each other your eyes full of love for one another, you kissed his soft lips lightly, resting your forehead on his.
   "My prince, I will be yours and yours alone forevermore, if you promise to be mine just as I am yours." Loki grabbed your hands entangling your fingers in his as he gazed into your pitch black eyes.
   "Forevermore, until death do we part, and ever beyond, I promise you this, I will be yours as you are mine loving all of you for who you truly are." You couldn't stop the last tear running down your cheek as you laid down on his chest taking in a long deep breath. You gazed up at the stars taking in there beautiful shining light. "So I take that as a yes to my previous question?" He chuckled softly grazing his hands along your bare shoulders. You smiled tilting your head backwards to see the smug look on his face.
   "Yes." You reached up your arm to stroke the side of his face. "Yes, my king I will be yours" He took your hand kissing it gently.
   "I love you, my queen. Forever and always." He wrapped his arms around your waist holding you tight. You both continued to look at the stars all night long falling asleep in each other's embrace, under the tree that started it all.

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