Memories Pt. 3

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You gathered only what you needed and said bye to everyone. They were all against you going but it didn't matter, you were so happy to be going back to Asgard. You stood beside Thor in the middle of the field and waved bye to everyone as Thor called for Hemidall. Butterflies grew in your stomach as the bright colors ran past your face and you lifted off the ground, you hadn't done this in awhile. Thor looked at you and you gave him a reassuring nod, sooner or later you were in the bifrost the gold being a familiar sight.
Hemidall nodded to you a knowing look on his face. "Y/n." You smiled and nodded.
"Hemidall." You and Thor left the bifrost having to walk down the rainbow bridge. Asgard was just as beautiful as the day you left it, the giant golden castle shimmering in the sunlight and the sweet smell of the air; it was so much better than Midgard. You could already hear the bustling city from and you felt a wave of warmth and safety rush over you; every second you felt more at home.
You would have liked to have spent more time in the city but you had something more important to do and you really wanted to see Loki.
"So where in the castle will Loki be?" Thor sucked air through his teeth making you cross your arms and raise an eyebrow at him. "Thor. Where is he?"
"I'm afraid you're not going to like the answer." He looked in the distance staring at the castle, you feared the worst what horrible punishment could be going on right now?
"Hit me."
He mumbled "In a cell." Not as horrid as you were expecting but it still made you mad.
"Of fucking course." Thor looked at you shocked. "He's obviously not himself and they lock him up in a cell?!" You didn't say Odin specifically; not I front of Thor. "Idiots! Was he at least questioned? Did they at least try to understand?" Your voice was beginning to raise. "Frigga let this happen?! This is bullshit. Let's go." You stormed off in the direction of the palace fuming with anger. Thor followed in your wake not daring to answer your questions, not that you cared if they were answered anyways.
By the time you reached the castle you had went over the plan with Thor, he would make sure the coast was clear before you went anywhere making sure you wouldn't have to bump into anyone you knew at the moment. Then he would tell the guard of Loki's cell you had permission from Frigga to meet with him. When you reached the dungeons you began to back track, you hadn't really thought this through. ''What will I even say? What do I do?? Just walk in their hoping for the best? Is he okay? Of course he's not okay he's locked up under Odin's orders; ducking asshole! I'll kill-'
Thor nudged you knocking you out of your thoughts. You looked up and saw that Loki was a few meters a head of you, you could see him but he couldn't see you—both you and Thor almost hiding around the corner.—You gulped, he was pacing and you couldn't make out his expression. 'Well here goes nothing.' You nodded to Thor pushing down your nerves, he walked up to Loki's cell you following close behind him. Loki stopped pacing and you glanced at him, he was staring at you and you were still unable to read his expression. Was it relief? Sadness? Anger? You couldn't tell, you missed being able to read him, you regret leaving more and more every second. Thor told the guard and he bowed and motioned for you to come forward. Thor grabbed your shoulder.
"Good luck." He gave a bright smile and you tried to do the same, he turned and left. You sighed and entered the cell as the guard opened the field and immediately closed it as you walked in.

   Loki eyed you his expression still unable to read and you suddenly felt very sick and felt like your nerves were going to take over. You didn't know what to say or do, so of course you opted for the most awkward thing to do.
   "Hi." You smiled shyly and ran a hand through your hair, then put them on your hips, then crossed them over your chest keeping them there. Loki stood still for a moment then turned around and you could hear the small chuckles coming from him. You were shocked and just stood there he then burst into laughter looking back at you. Your cheeks grew red and he wiped his eyes.
   "After all this time." He spoke between chuckles and grins. "After everything that's happened and-" he laughed again. "And you say hi!" He mocked you turning into your form and saying hi. Your face was super red but you couldn't help but smile. This was the Loki you remember.
   "Hey! You know I'm not good at this!" He continued to laugh and you walked over to him slapping his arm telling him to stop. You both laughed and laughed making fun of each other. Until he suddenly grabbed you around your middle and pulled you into a tight hug. You slowly wrapped your arms around him.
   "Gods...I've missed you y/n..." That's when the tears came and not from laughter. You dug your face in his shoulder and cried.
   "Me too." Was all you could say.

   Neither of you let go for a long time, in all honesty you didn't want to let go. Sooner or later you got the courage to speak again, you let go of him slowly and sat on the bed he came and sat next to you.
   "I don't know what you remember..." you glanced at him. "But I hope you know that I'm sorry." The tears refused to leave your eyes. "I-I never-I just...gods! This is hard." You ran both hands through you hair and he put a gentle hand on your back. "Im so sorry." You mumbled.
  "Y/n..." you looked back at him the tears were present in his eyes as well. "I forgive you." He smiled sadly.
   "I don't know how you could." You mumbled again.
   "Because you mean so much to me." He sighed. "I just don't understand why?" Tears left his eyes rolling down his cheeks. "Why did you leave?" Your heart ached and you wanted to curl into a ball and die. But you put your head in your hands and spoke not being able to look at him.
   "Because I was scared." You focused on your palms pressing into your eyes, it made this easier. "I was scared of the feelings I had and still have." You let out a long shaky sigh. "I thought that if you would stop hanging out with me...that you would be the one to leave." Your eyes began to hurt as the tears rolled off your cheeks and onto the floor. "So I left..."
Loki gently grabbed your wrists and pulled them away from your eyes, your hands soaking wet from the tears. He brushed the hair out of your face and gently held the side of your face making you look up at him, his eyes were still full of tears.
"You're as beautiful as the day I lost you." He pulled you onto his lips, locking you into a kiss. He held the back of your head and you put your hand around his neck deepening the kiss. It took awhile before the both of you broke apart breathing heavily, your foreheads rested against each other's. Neither of you spoke for awhile enjoying this moment of not having to hide from one another.

   "I wish I could tell you how long I've wanted to do that." He looked into your eyes a smile playing at the corners of his lips. You kissed him again and smiled brightly. Truly. For the first time in forever.
   "Me too."

*I hope you guys liked this one! I was really proud of it 🥺👉🏼👈🏼 and I hope you guys liked it as much as I did! Drink some water💖💧💖*

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