Midnight Arrival

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2 weeks ago
   You had been waiting patiently for Loki to come back with Thor from defeating the dark elves, it had been a few days now and you were becoming quite bored and lonely, no one else in the castle besides him liked to have fun. You were in your room when you heard a knock at the door, you opened it and there was a palace guard standing there, you raised an eyebrow wondering what on the earth he was doing here.
   "Y/n your presences is requested in the grand hall." You got excited, 'maybe Loki's home!' You nodded to the guard.
   "Thank you, I will be there momentarily." You smiled and he left as you closed the door. You quickly looked in the mirror and fixed yourself up as quick as you could, you flattened your dress and headed down the hall. When you reached the grand hall you saw Odin seated in his throne Thor was standing on the ground in-front of him, you looked around but did not see Loki, you figured he was somewhere else. As you approached the others you curtsied respectfully and said hello.
   "Your highness." You turned to Thor "Thor! Welcome back!" He had a solemn look on his face and he gave you a sad smile. You stood there looking puzzled. Finally Thor said something,
   "Thank you lady y/n, but I have some bad news." Your heart began to beat faster, you looked around for Loki one last time; he was not there. You saw as Thor's expression grew dark and sad, you glanced at Odin who had a grim expression on his face.
   "What? What is it?" You questioned not sure you wanted the answer.
   "It's...it's Loki y/n..." your heart sank "he will not be returning." You stiffened, you didn't want to believe it, tears started to filled your eyes. You couldn't think, he was gone, the absolute love of your life was gone forever.
   "Th-thank y-you. I-i-if you'll excuse me." Your voice was filled with heartbreak, you kept the tears from falling until you made it back to your room. You stayed in there for days not once coming out, crying, mourning over your lost lover.

Present Day
   By this time the tears had stopped but there was nothing to cure the hole that now resides in your heart. Your laughter had died and you were no longer warm-hearted, you had become cold and cross and barley ever left your room. You had received news that there was to be a ball, celebrating what, you did not know but it was mandatory for you to attended. And you did not want to go. The day of the ball had arrived and you received a visit from Thor that morning. You heard a knock on your chamber door,
   "Good morning lady y/n." He gave you a smile, you did not return one.
   "Good morning Thor." You lead him into your room, you both sat around the small table near the window. The same table you and Loki would share mornings just like this together. You picked up your (coffee or tea) and took a sip looking over the cup at Thor waiting for him to say why he was here.
  "Y/n..." he stared fidgeting with his cup. You glanced at your delicate china in his big muscular hands and then back at him, a smile still not forming on your face. "Since you are to come to the ball this evening, and since you were...ummmm.." you waited "engaged to my brother..." he glanced at you, you looked at him dangerously. "I thought it only fitting that I would accompany you..this evening." He looked at you a almost pleading look on his face. You raised an eyebrow and sighed looking out the window.
   "Even though I would much rather not go, and there are about a hundred things I can think of that would be preferable to going, I will let you accompany me, thank you." You gave him a cold look as he stood up from the table and bowed to you.
   "I will see you this evening." You nodded your head and he exited your room. You sighed as a silent tear fell down your face, you went to go take a walk in the garden not speaking to any one as you thought about all the times Loki would bring you here and make you laugh. As you walked through all the lovely smelling flowers, you thought about how if things were different and Loki was to accompany you to the ball...the silent tears continued to fall as you walked alone in the garden.

   The ball was in 2 hours, so you started to get ready. You were going to wear the dress Loki had gotten for you, it was a ball gown and was a beautiful shade of emerald green; the bodice had small green jewels along it and the silk fabric that flowed down to your feet fit perfectly. When you were finished getting ready you looked at yourself in the mirror a sad look on your face as you watched the green colors shimmer in the light. Just then there was a knock on the door, it was Thor. He stood there in his evening garments looking rather uncomfortable.
   "Good evening Thor." You curtsied and he bowed slightly.
   "Good evening lady y/n. Are you ready?" He eyed your dress curiously and you gave him another cold stare.
   "Yes." You said flatly. You both walked down the halls side by side but not hand in hand. You kept your eyes on the night sky out the windows, if it were you and Loki you would both ditch the ball and go have your own adventure under the bright midnight light of the full moon. When you both reached the doors to the ball Thor stuck out his arm and tried to warm up to you by giving you a smile, you nodded a blank expression on your face as you reached for his arm. He lead you into the ball room, it was filled with royals from all across the nine realms, what they were here for you still did not know, they were dancing and laughing, drinking and gossiping. You sighed knowing you were going to have a terrible time, as Thor and you walked further into the room people began to stare, whisper and point. Everyone knew you had been engaged to Loki and that you were supposed to get married today, so they were in shock that you were there and with Thor none the less. You held your head high trying not to let it bother you. Thor looked at you concerned,
   "You do not have to dance if you do not wish it." You saw the apologetic look in his eyes and you softened a little. You gave him a small smile,
   "I will be fine Thor, let's dance." He lead you onto the dance floor and you danced in rhythm with everyone else but Thor was not as light on his feet as Loki had been, he had slipped up a couple of times which actually made you laugh. When the song ended he bowed and you curtsied, you thanked him and he was glad that he made you smile. You said you were done dancing for the evening though and he nodded understanding, and he found another maiden to dance with. You stood in the back watching everyone around you having fun dancing with their partners...when something caught your eye; you saw raven black hair among the crowd, it danced in between a couple and then it was gone. 'No it couldn't be...there are plenty of people with black hair...but..it looked so...similar' you brushed off the thoughts in your head, it could have been anyone. Around a quarter to eleven you were growing quite bored and decided to ask someone to dance. He was a bit on the shorter side with blond hair that stopped at his ears, he wore colors of blue and silver, he smiled at you as you approached him. When you asked him to dance he happily agreed and took you onto the dance floor, you both danced with the others. You  were trying to have fun but it was so hard when your partner kept talking about himself. While you were dancing you bumped into someone, you looked up apologizing but they were already gone, you looked in the direction they may have went and you saw the same raven black hair again, this time you were determined to find out who it was. You apologized to your dance partner, glad to be rid of him and followed the mystery person.
   They were walking at a fast pace and you had to travel quickly on your toes to keep up, they hurried out of the ballroom and into the vacant hallways and you followed quickly behind. They turned a corner you were only a few feet behind but when you rounded the corner they were gone. You stood there not knowing what to feel, you were angry and upset, you felt foolish for thinking that maybe, just maybe it was possible for it to be him. You let out a shaky sigh leaning up against the wall, you put your head in your hands and began to cry, you couldn't stop the tears this time. You slid down onto the floor the tears running down your face, you sat there for the longest time but you wanted to be alone and didn't want anyone to find you, so you got up the tears not stopping and headed for the part of the garden only you and Loki knew about.

   It was a beautiful place, there were vines that hung from the trees making it seem invisible at first glance, on the inside it had a soft flower bed and a small stone seat next to the tree, but the best part about it was the swing. It was where you and Loki first met, you had been swinging when he had found this hidden spot and well, one thing lead to another. You wiped the tears from your eyes smiling at the memory, you trailed your hand along the cold stone of the seat; you and Loki's first kiss. You smelled the rose from a nearby bush all the memories coming back all at once making you cry and laugh and smile all in the span of a couple of moments. When you sat down in the swing, you began to swing your legs slowly, you could vividly remember the look on his face when he saw you in the swing that day, so long ago now. The swing brought you high in the air, and a smile rested on your face as you felt the cool air on your face, your dress flying behind you.
   "I remember this moment like it was yesterday." Your head whipped around at the sound of a voice you hadn't heard in a long time. He continued, "You were just as you are now, but instead of the moonlight, the sun was hitting your face making you look so beautiful." You stopped swinging a look of disbelief on your face, he looked just like he had the day he left, you couldn't believe it. "I came through the vines expecting to be alone, but only to find a even lonelier maiden in my place on the swing," he smiled "and it seems you have taken my spot again, my darling." You fell off the swing onto your knees not caring about your dress, tears fell from your eyes but a big smile was on your lips.
   "Loki..." you couldn't move you were in such shock. He came over to you sitting down beside you taking you into his arms. "I missed you so much." You cried into his shoulder taking in his embrace, and smelling the leather you missed so  much. "Please...p-please don't ever leave me again. I love you." You hugged him even tighter scared you would wake up and he would be gone.
   "I'm not leaving you, ever again." you felt a small tear fall onto your shoulder. "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry, I put you through this pain." You cupped his face into your hands, he was there, in your arms. You leaned in and kissed him, he kissed you back deeply and passionately, but he quickly pulled away and looked at you very seriously, "Do you trust me?" You looked into his eyes, they were full of mischief. You smiled.
   "With my life." He stood and held out a hand to help you up, you took it and stood up.
   "We have to leave...now." He looked at you a sly grin on his lips, you smiled and took his hand in yours.
   "Lead the way."

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