Just Dance

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"Omg, Peter you know what would be fun?" You and Peter had been bored all day and were currently draped over the couch with a popsicle stick from two hours ago still in your mouth. He picked his head up from the floor and looked at you.


"Just Dance." You paused for dramatic effect and he sat up.

"I'm interested." You smiled.

"But also...with the others." You put up finger guns and pointed them at him a goofy look on your face. He walked over to you and put his hands on your shoulders.

"Y/n..you're a genius." You nodded getting up.

"I know." You pointed at him. "You get it set up, I'll round up the others." He nodded and gave a fake salute. You nodded and laughed as you turned away practically skipping down the hall.


Loki was in his room binge watching a new midgardian show he had found. When he heard your footsteps coming down the hall, thinking nothing of it until you started to knock repeatedly on his door.

He huffed. "Alright, alright I'm coming." He opened the door and was surprised when he saw you and not Tony. "Y/n? Is something wrong?"

You nodded your head, "oh yes. Me and Peter are dying of boredom." You smiled and he rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"I see..." He leaned against the door frame. "And what would you like me to do about that?" You smirked.

"Your highness..." you bowed playfully putting on your best accent and he seemed amused. "We would be oh so delighted if you were to join us in the sitting room." You looked up and saw the smirk on his face. He lifted your chin making you stand up straight and causing you to blush, as he pulled you in a little closer than usual.

"Oh? And what would we be doing in there?" You started to speak but he stopped you, coming closer to your ear. "I'm sure we could have much more fun in-" Tony cut him off yelling from the other room, he let go of your face and stood up straight.

"ARE YOU KIDS COMING OR WHAT?" Your face was bright red as you yelled down the hall.

"BE RIGHT THERE." You shook your head trying to forget the words he was about to say and regain your composure. You looked back at him smirking. "Are you coming?" He smiled and chuckled.

"Lead the way."


Peter had set up the game and all the controllers were passed out. There were only four so most of you would have to take turns. The first to have the remotes were you, Peter, Nat and Thor.

"Peter were going to smoke all of them." You looked at him and gave him an encouraging nod as you both did your secret hand shake.

"Oh yeah." He smiled and Nat joined in.

"Not if i can help it." She joked and smiled at the both of you. You smiled.

"Whatever, we grew up on this game." You all trashed talked while Thor was busy picking the song, and Loki silently watched from the kitchen. Finally Thor picked 'Uptown Funk' by Bruno Mars and you were ready, you were so hyped and full of energy you felt like you could win every game.

And you did for the first five songs, but all the dancing around was getting the best of you and you were definitely out of breath. You flopped down on the couch. "And that is how you do it ladies and gentlemen." You huffed between breaths as you handed your remote to Cap.

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