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   The sun was setting as you and Loki were riding back to the castle on the bifrost. You watched as the colors danced beneath your horse. You both had visited Midgard searching for the tesseract but had to return home with no success. You were very tired and was very great full you were back home and about to have dinner but Loki on the other hand was not in the same mood, he was beginning to grow restless about finding the tesseract and was not in the mood for dinner whatsoever.
   "Well, that did not go as we planned." You chuckled trying to make light of the situation, you gave your horse to a stable man. Loki just grunted softly a scowl plastered on his face. You raised an eyebrow and sighed. "It's alright.." you tried to give him a look of reassurance but he would not face you. "We'll find it. Trust me, I know you and I know that you won't give up until you do. might take a little longer than we thought." You tried to comfort him as you both walked through the halls heading to your rooms to get ready for dinner but he didn't speak a word to you the whole way, he was obviously mad at you but you didn't know why. And at this point you were getting pretty heated yourself. "If you're mad at me the least you could do is tell me why." You raised your voice slightly commanding him to answer this time. He turned to you slowly as you both stopped walking you barley ever raised your voice and he was shocked by your sudden outburst.
   "I'm not mad." He said slowly through his teeth
   "Yeah right." You crossed your arms over your chest facing him frowning.
   "I don't know why your upset." His frown deepened
"What?!" You threw your arms in the air. "You haven't spoken a word to me since we have returned! If you are truly mad why can't you just tell me why?" You sighed lowering your voice a bit. He took a deep breath in.
"Because y/n...we have been searching for the tesseract for months now with no hope of finding it. And it is because of your mistakes that we are no closer to finding it!" He dragged a hand down his face giving a sigh of annoyance.
"Excuse me?! My mistakes!" You poked him hard in the center of his chest. "You were the one that did not trust my judgement and planning and you just knew what to do and you didn't need my help!" You were mad. You could not believe that he had just said that this was your fault. You glared up at him.
"I did not wish for you to come I do not need you, but you were the one that insisted on coming!" He was filled with rage but he was trying not to yell he could feel the servants eyes starting to watch them. You did not care if they were watching you were so angry.
"If that's how you felt then why didn't you just leave me here! It's not like you would miss me!" It had been months since you two had been together and he had still not said I love you. You tried not to let it bother you but you had said it tons of times and he had never said it back.
"Really! This again! It's just a word it means nothing!" You felt your heart break.
"NOTHING!" Every eye was on you but you didn't care. "So all those times that I have said it to you it meant NOTHING TO YOU! All those times you held me close and I whispered it in your ear YOU FELT NOTHING!" You felt the tears welling up in your eyes but you pushed them away, you hated crying in front of people. He stared at you, a blank look on his face hiding his emotions.
"It's just a word." He said fixing his hair not meeting your eyes. You looked at him rage filling up every part of your body you began through gritted teeth.
"If it's just a word...THEN SAY IT! SAY I LOVE YOU Y/N!" You tried to calm yourself down running your hands through your hair. "Because I love you much. You are the best thing that has happened to me I love you, I want to spend every minute of every day with you...But apparently the feeling is mutual." You felt a tear run down your face and you wiped it away quickly. You waited for his response
"I...I can't...I-" you saw tears in his eyes, but now you were mad and heartbroken.
"You. Can't. I-I- don't talk to me. I don't want to see you." You turned away beginning to walk again heading for your room tears running down your face.
"Y/N! Wait! I-" he yelled for you running to catch up with you but you turned around and stopped him tears staining your face.
"WHAT DID I JUST SAY!?" You took a deep breath. "Please. Go." He looked at you tears in his eyes but you turned around and continued to walk to your chamber. As soon as you rounded the corner you ran a full sprint to your bedroom, wanting to get away from Loki, the wandering eyes of servants, and now Thor because he saw you running and crying and was shouting at you asking why, but you ignored him. When you finally made it to your room you closed and locked the door behind you. With no strength to even walk to your bed you sank down to the floor head in your knees sobbing.

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