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"I have been sitting here for the past 5 hours eating ice cream and binging Netflix, and as I kept watching these super hot tv stars I kept thinking about how he could have so much better. I mean compared to everyone else around me I am a total nobody. I don't have magic powers that help me lift things with my mind. I'm not super strong and can't shoot the enemy from 10 miles away. I suck at singing or any other talent that most people just seem to have. You know, and I can't help but think that I'm just the side chick." I was practically sobbing ranting to my friend over the phone having a mental breakdown in the middle of the night "Y/N you can't beat yourself up like this. I see the way Loki looks at you he is head over heels for you. And you have an amazing personality, you're funny and smart, along with so many other things that make you special." B/F/N kept trying to cheer me up and I really wanted to believe what she was saying to me but I just couldn't bring myself to think what she was saying was true. I told her I was tired and was going to bed and hung up the phone.

I kept crying just wanting this nightmare to end. I had went to the mirror to give myself a pep talk but that only made it worse. I looked myself up and down and hated what I saw, my waist was to (chunky, thin...ex.) I hated my hair, the color of my eyes, the way my lips weren't round and big like the movies, I wanted to tell myself that those women aren't the role models I should set for myself but the tears kept coming and I ended up laying on the floor sobbing feeling helpless, I was going through hell. I had had mental breakdowns before but nothing this bad my mind just kept listing the things that I hated about myself one by one. I tried to knock it out thinking about how I had a loving boyfriend but that only made it worse knowing that he wasn't even here right now and is probably just using me to get to my model of a friend. The crying went on until I ended up falling asleep on the floor.

"You need to go see her, now." I said sternly through the phone, mad at Loki for letting Y/N think this way.
"Why? What's wrong? Is everything ok?"
"No! everything is not ok! Y/N is at her apartment alone, thinking that you don't love her anymore! I tried to comfort her and I would go and see her but you are the one she needs right now."
"Alright I'm leaving now." I could tell he seemed shaken up and heartbroken
"Promise you'll have her call me tomorrow."
"Promise. Goodbye B/F/N."
"See ya Loki." I hung up the phone and let out a sigh praying that he gets to Y/N soon.

*Loki's POV
I feel awful. I can't believe I let this happen, I should have told her how much I loved her more often, I should have brought her flowers and come to visit on random occasions. Now she was alone, no one to hold her and tell her just how beautiful she was. I left the Avengers tower and headed towards Y/N's apartment. I got there as fast as I could and took out the key to get in.
"Y/N!" No answer. I checked the living room and kitchen before I got to her bedroom. She was strewn about on the floor in front of her mirror fast asleep. I let out a sigh seeing that she was ok. I knelt down beside her noticing that her cheeks were stained with tears and her eyes were red and puffy, she had been crying for a while. I brushed the hair out of her face, I was heartbroken I picked her up and put her on the bed placing her gently so to not wake her. I laid down beside her stroking her hair looking into her closed eyes, I felt really bad, they were so red her head must have hurt from crying so much. Her lips were frowning and her eyes were scrunched, my own eyes started to fill up with tears knowing that I had brought this pain to her, that I had caused her suffering. She started to stir letting out a low grumble from her lips. She slowly opened her eyes, she looked shocked to see me here but not scared. I looked into those E/C eyes they were so beautiful and bright like they could light up a dark room, she hid her face with her hands not wanting me to see her like this. I gently removed her hands from her face and I cupped her face with my hand, stroking the side of her cheek with my thumb. She started to cry and I pulled her in closer wrapping my arms tightly around her. I rubbed her back to make her feel better to let her know that I understand.

*Your POV
I didn't want to cry in front of him and definitely not like this, but I couldn't help it. I buried my head into his chest sniffling and taking in how warm he was, he continued to rub my back and stroke my hair while we lied there for awhile as I cried into him. "You know I love you Y/N, right?" I paused, I backed away from him wiping my eyes and noting that my head was really sore. "I don't know how you could." I looked everywhere but at him. He cupped my face with his hands wiping the tears off my cheeks, he looked sad and broken, he had tears in his eyes. "Y/N. You are my everything. I love you so much... ok. You are beautiful and smart and have a way to make everything seem funny,  you always look on the bright side and I love that about you." He stopped, a tear rolling down the side of his face he wiped it away quickly "So please, never think that I don't love you and that you aren't good enough, because it's not true." He pulled me into him and buried his face into my hair. "I love you so much" I hugged him back his words sinking into me, he loved me and I loved him. "I love you too Loki" it was my turn to grab his face and wipe the tears from his eyes. I rested my forehead against his, he kissed me softly leaving a trail of them all over my face. I planted my lips onto his kissing him until he kissed back. He kissed me rough trying to prove his love for me. I know because I did the same thing when he showed me his Jotun form for the first time, he was extremely insecure which is something I'd never thought I'd see him feel but I showed him how much I really loved him and now he is doing the same for me. I broke the kiss resting my forehead on his, he looked at me concern in his eyes wondering if I was ok, I sighed softly and looked back at him giving him a reassuring nod. He pulled me in using his magic to put us both in our pajamas. In his arms feeling his breath on my shoulder, I smiled softly as I drifted off to sleep.

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