I think im in love

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*Mentions abusive relationship (nothing bad though) may be troubling for some readers

   Me and my boyfriend arrived at the club around 9:00. I was vividly uncomfortable and wanted to go home, he dragged me inside with his arm firmly on my waist not letting me leave his side. There were so many people and I was beginning to feel claustrophobic, I was trying to free from his grasp to go some where, where there weren't so many people but he wouldn't let me leave. "Please babe. I need to use the restroom." I pleaded to him, praying he would let me go. He looked down at me and whispered in my ear "If you say anything to anyone you will regret it." He snarled and let me go, I flinched and left trying desperately to find the bathroom. There were lots of eyes following me so I tried to look normal but the dress he made me wear was not helping; it was a red skin tight dress that barley covered my ass, I loathed this dress it made me feel so open and I always had to be pulling it down. I finally found the bathroom and went inside.

Loki's POV
I had watched her come in, she looked uncomfortable and sad and had a small bruise on the side of her face. That's when I noticed him on her side gripping her like a she was a rag doll. I snarled seeing her try to wiggle free as he made his grip harder. Then she must have convinced him to let her go because he did and she hurried off. I excused myself from my brother and his friends who were wasted and were fighting over who could win in a fight. I made my way over to this guy, he was leaning up against a wall alone so I stood beside him and when the time was right I knocked him out, no one seemed to notice so I stabbed him in the leg and left him there, and headed in the direction the lovely maiden had went.

Your POV
I was in tears I couldn't help it they just kept coming I don't know where they came from but they wouldn't stop. I stared at the bruise on my face it stung but was healing. I wiped the tears from my face and fixed my makeup getting ready to go back out there, I took a deep breath and opened the door. there was a man outside leaning against the door way, he had long raven black hair and piercing green eyes he was breathtaking but if I was caught near him I would be done for. "Excuse me." I said timidly and put my head down walking away. "Wait." I turned around and he came towards me and I put my hands up to my face closing my eyes waiting for impact, a habit. He gingerly took my arms and put them at my side, he looked sad. "You don't have to worry darling." He wiped the tears from my cheeks that I hadn't noticed were there until he wiped them away. "I would never hurt you." I began to cry but I couldn't stay here "I'm s-sorry bb-but I hav-have to go." But I didn't move, I didn't want to. He took me into his arms holding me gently like I was made of glass. "It's okay. You don't have to worry." He felt so safe and strong but I pushed away weakly I didn't know this man. "Please I don't even know you and m-my b-" I didn't want to say he was my boyfriend because I hated him, I hated everything about him. "I am Loki and I promise he won't ever see your beautiful face again." I looked at him with pure confusion on my face. "I took care of him, he will be taken away by what you call an ambulance and then the legal issues will be taken care of later." I stared at him completely baffled. "Did you kill him?" "Heavens no. I merely injured him enough to get him out of here. Now you obviously don't want to be here, would you like me to take you home?" I didn't have one, and I certainly wasn't going back to his house and I didn't have any friends in New York. "Then would you mind if I took you back with me." I looked at him concerned. He had heard my thoughts? "Yes I did and I promise I don't do it all the time." He smirked and held out his arm to me, I took a deep breath and took it carefully. "May I ask your name?" "Y/N" I whispered. He gently lead me over to his friends which were some of the Avengers; Thor, Tony and Steve. "Who's this?" Steve questioned pointing at me he seemed very buzzed "Someone who needs a safe place to stay." Loki said glaring at him, Steve put his hands up and Tony waddled over to Loki "Hey man no need to get worked up!" He laughed patting Loki's back. "She can come with us! She'll be welcomed!" He looked at me holding out his hand for me to shake. "Wonderful!" Thor boomed and I flinched a bit, Loki noticed and looked worriedly at me. "Thor take us home." He said sternly "Will do brother! Let's go!" we left as Tony was putting money on the counter. We had to walk back to the tower and I clung to Loki the whole time.

   After a while of walking we arrived at the Avengers tower. Everyone was either sleeping or had left me and Loki to go do more drinking. "Do you want your own room?" Loki asked me, I shook my head, I didn't want to be alone. "Are you sure?" he questioned. I nodded, he lead me to his room which was beautifully decorated in golds and greens. "I'm sorry to be a bother but do you have anything I could wear? I hate this dress." I asked still staring around his room it was gorgeous. He walked over to a dresser and pulled out a black t-shirt. "Will this suffice? I don't have any pants that would fit." He gives me the shirt. "It's perfect." I smile at him and he turns around so I can get changed. The shirt smelled so good and was very very soft. "Thank you it's very comfortable and is a nice change from the dress." I smile as he turns around.

Loki's POV
   She was so beautiful. And she looked even better wearing my shirt. I realized I was staring when she began to look uncomfortable when I didn't answer. "You're welcome." I walked slowly towards her and put my hand on her face gently. I gazed into her mesmerizing e/c eyes they looked so weak and tired, it broke my heart. "Do you want to go to bed? You look tired." She glanced at my bed and nodded.

Your POV
   The bed looked so comfy and warm so I gladly agreed to go to bed, I couldn't remember the last time I had had a full nights rest. "I'll sleep on the couch." He grabbed a pillow and began walking away when I grabbed his arm I don't know what made me do it but I did, "C-could you..um...sleep with me..please?" He looked back at me, first confused and then he smiled and picked me up bridle style and placed me on the bed, I got under the covers as he got in on the other side. I slowly snuggled up next to him he took me into his arms holding me softly. I breathed out slowly feeling safe for the first time in forever. "Y/N?" He whispered "yes Loki." I turned to face him, he cupped my face with his hands his eyes were so vividly green and gorgeous. "I think" he paused "I think I love you." He looked at me his eyes full of hope. I grabbed his hands "Loki, I am the happiest I've been in a long time and it is all thanks to you." I hugged him close "I love you too. But it's complicated because I technically haven't even broke up with the man I was with, but I do love you and it's weird because I just met you but...and this is going to sound cheesy as fuck but I think it was truly love at first sight." Loki took my face in his hands "Y/N may I kiss you?" I blushed and chuckled softly "Yes, yes you may." He gently locked his lips onto mine stroking my cheek with his thumb. It was passionate and blissful. I rested my forehead on his, gasping for air. "You are beautiful my darling." He began to trail kisses down my neck. I trailed my hands through his hair as he rested his head on my chest, both of us falling asleep never wanting to wake up.

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