Imagine finding out Loki liked you

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Loki's POV
"Hm.. what? Oh sorry." I wasn't paying attention to what Thor had to say it was probably about another one of his adventures with his mortal friends. I was to busy staring at her. She was beautiful, caring,  funny and smart, I would give anything for her to be mine.
"Loki you should just go and talk to her."
"What? I don't know what you're talking about."
"Brother, whenever Y/N is around your silver tongue is turned to lead." I glared at him "I'm sorry brother but you know I'm not wrong. He elbowed me in the ribs, "I know you like her." I looked at Y/N she was laughing in the gardens with her friends. I longed for it to be me and her instead, for me to tell her I loved her and to kiss her soft lips. "Thor I could not possibly-" He stopped me "I'll go tell her for you!" "WHAT! No,Nononono no, absolutely not!" He started running heading towards the stairs "I cannot hear you brother!" He laughed knowing this would ruin me. I ran after him "THOR!" I growled but he was already in the gardens heading towards Y/N and her friends, I used my illusions to make it appear that I wasn't

Oh great Thor was here, probably to flirt with all my friends, they all gasped when they saw him coming they all fancied him, in my opinion Loki was hotter. "Y/N can I talk to you!" He boomed coming up to me. "Ummm I guess?" I shrugged he lead me to a tree out of ear shot from my friends, I looked back at them they all gave me thumbs up and encouraging smiles. I rolled my eyes; he better not ask me out, I guess he was ok looking but he wasn't my type. "So Y/N what do you think about my brother Loki?" I was surprised at his question "What?" He smiled "Do you like him?" I was taken aback "I mean yeah he's totally hot and super funny but I've never even talked to him it's more like a crush really." "Well my brother, the god of mischief has feelings for you." I died laughing "Yeah right! The prince has feelings for someone like me!" I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard I couldn't see Thor walk away and be replaced with Loki. "Look I might not be your type but you don't have to laugh." I stopped, wiping my face of the tears. I looked up to where Thor was standing seconds ago to see a handsome prince with raven black hair and beautiful green eyes staring back at me. "I-I.." I didn't know what to say I was so stunned he even knew who I was. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you myself, but my big oaf of a brother beat me to it." He paused for a moment "It's just that I've never felt this way about anyone before, how I can't string two words together when I'm around you or how I get butterflies in my stomach when you are near." He looked down rubbing the back of his neck. "It's okay if you do not share the same feelings but I thought you should know that I can't stop thinking about you." I lifted up his chin with my fingers so that his eyes were on mine. "Loki, I like you too." I put my lips onto his cheek. He looked at me his cheeks turning red, I giggled "I thought the god of mischief didn't have a heart." "Darling, for you, I wold
give up the world." He pressed his lips to mine and I hear my friends cheering from afar.

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