Imagine telling your friends about Loki

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*I'll put random girl names in here but your best friend will still be B/F/N

"I still can't believe this! You had been dating this guy for a year! And didn't tell any of us!" Emilie shouted "I'm sorry! Trust me I really wanted to tell you! To tell anyone for that matter but he is a literal GOD so we needed to work some things out first." I defended myself the best I could but they were all pretty upset with me. "You just promise me we will get to meet him?" Lucy asked "Yeah so that I can find out if he's a jerk or not." Stated B/F/N. I threw a pillow at her. "Guys, I promise he is loyal and smart and loving. And I love him and I think you're all going to like him." I smirked knowing what was to come. "Fine, but I'll be the real judge of that." Said B/F/N. "Soooo what's he like?" Asked Lucy "Oh my goodness you don't know how long I have waited for someone to ask me that! Oh Lucy he is the best thing that has ever happened to me." They all smiled knowing how hard it had been for me after my last boyfriend who was...let's just say was a straight up jerk. B/F/N put her hand on my shoulder "Look even if I don't like him, I am glad he makes you happy." She smiled at me and I smiled back "I really do love him." And at those words Loki appeared on the arm of the chair next to me. "So what is my queen and her ladies in waiting talking about?" Loki smirked at all of them, I rolled my eyes, but I had told him that he could come up with an entrance I was to tell him the rest. "You actually. Listen mister, you better not ever hurt my friend or I swear, you will never see the light of day." Said B/F/N who was staring him down. He got up, walked towards her and lifted her chin, "You must be B/F/N, Y/N has told me all about you." He looked into her eyes and I could tell B/F/N was having trouble keeping her cool "I love Y/N I would never do anything to hurt her." She blushed and looked away, he chuckled and I was trying so hard not to laugh. Emilie and Lucy were already practically on their knees by just looking at him, his chiseled features and long black hair. He sat between them and started to play with Emilie's hair and put his hand on Lucy's thigh which I knew would make them both roll their eyes in the back of their heads, and it did. "And you two must be Lucy and Emilie, such pretty names the both of you have." He kept flirting with them and they were both redder than tomatoes by the time he was done. "Your friends don't talk very much." He put his innocent act on. "That's weird, usually they drive me up a wall with all their bickering." And so did I "Hey guys would you like to stay for dinner, I'm making tacos!" B/F/N spoke up "uh, I would love to, but I-uh I promised my mom I would meet her for dinner." And at that she walked out the door her face still red "Oh well that's too bad, what about you guys?" I asked, Loki was sitting seductively on the arm of the chair grinning. "Ummm I'm sorry Y/N but me and Lucy had umm, plans to uh, go on a double date tonight." Emilie said looking at Lucy for support. Lucy nodded "but uh, we will see you later." They both got up and hugged me. Loki stood up "Have a good evening ladies." He kissed each of their hands, smirking up at them. They turned to me their faces redder than ever "Bye Y/N." They both said quickly and were out the door. "What a shame they couldn't stay." I said "And I thought I was being such a gentleman." Loki sarcastically pouted. "You did a great job, I almost believed you." I patted my hand on his chest and he pulled me into him. He brushed my hair behind my ear and lifted my chin "I'll never love anyone as much as I love you." He smashed his lips onto mine moving my hips with his wondering hands inching closer to my ass. I pulled back and raised an eyebrow at him smirking he looked at me with his blue eyes, that look it always worked on me. "Well at least now were alone." He said grinning and snapped his fingers and we were in our bedroom.

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