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*Takes place during the battle in Avengers*

You watched as more rubble fell from the sky as you brushed the soot off of your forehead. You had just finished saving people from another one of the burning buildings and were now trying to find Steve or Tony; either one will do. You ran through the turned over cars and broken buildings, you looked to the sky finding so many giant alien things and small spaceships carrying more aliens. Your breath was running out when you spotted Steve, he was battling even more aliens.
"CAP!" He looked over at you and you ran towards him destroying any creatures that got in your way. You both battled together until there were no more in your area left. "Cap. I have. an idea." You heaved your hands on your knees out of breath. He brushed some ash off his shield and raised an eyebrow,
"Yes?" He huffed also out of breath and you stood up, your strength coming back.
"As you guys know I used to live on Asgard with Thor." He nodded looking around for more danger. You tried to speak quicker. "And, well with Loki..." he looked shocked but before he could speak, you interrupted. "And me and him grew pretty close we were what you would call best friends. And I know him better than anyone...possibly even Thor, he gave me all his trust. And I know there must be some reasoning behind all of this." You gestured to all around you. You couldn't read his emotions but you could tell he was thinking. "I left so long ago...I never even said good bye..." you shook your head; you were getting off track. "Just, I think I can talk to him." He looked to Stark tower and then back at you. You gave him an almost pleading look. I can do this! You thought You just have to let me try...
"Y/n, you know we can't trust that he will break because you go up there and we can't risk it, for your safety."
Your mouth hung open slightly like a child who just got told they couldn't have any ice cream. "B-but-"
"No y/n. You know we cannot base this mission on an if." He began to run and you looked ahead of you there was another group of aliens running towards you. You ran to catch up with him,
"Cap," you huffed "I know I can get through to him." Another breath, "you just have-" he cut you off
"No y/n! It's not worth the risk!" He yelled he was battling three aliens at once. You jumped in to help him out, lifting a pile of rocks with your mind and smashing it down on another group of them. You frowned at him when he was finished, crossing your arms over your chest like the child with no ice cream. He simply smiled and chuckled amused by your features, this made you angrier.
"You can ask Thor he must remember how close we were." You looked around expecting him to be somewhere near.
"I have already told you why."
You imitated his voice "it's not worth the risk." You stuck your tongue out and put your fingers behind your ears wiggling them. You laughed but he glared at you.
"Well, it's not."
"Oh but I think it is." You smirked and he shook his head.
"No y/n we can't afford to lose you." He turned away from you.
"You think I can't do this?" You crossed your arms again looking him up and down.
"No it's not that..I just...I don't think you realize how strong he is." You scoffed, he looked at you, "I don't think any of us could take him on, and alone at that." You laughed,
"Really? How puzzling.." you smirked. You didn't say he was a god because you knew he would disagree. "Listen, I know Loki." He raised an eyebrow.
"I don't think you do y/n" you gasped putting a hand on your heart to look offended because honestly you were. He looked sincere though..."y/n when was the last time you spoke to him." You bit your lip a little embarrassed trying to count all the years. You thought for a moment and then looked down slightly, your confidence leaving.
"A few hundred years." He looked up and sighed.
"Exactly, now let's drop the subject and meet up with the others to try and figure out something else." You nodded unsure now of what you were supposed to do, you were so sure before, now you weren't as confidant. But you grew up with know him like the back of your hand...or at least you used to. No. You still do. You didn't care what Cap said. You know Loki. You were sure of it. As you both fought your way to the others you got yourself "lost" and headed towards Stark tower.

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