Late nights 🌙

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   I woke up panting, sweat dripping down my face. I had had a nightmare involving me and my loved ones on the edge of a cliff, I was wearing a long white dress while my family was wearing black cloaks with the hood pulled down. The ground gave out from underneath me and I fell back. I saw my family above me no one screaming, no one crying just standing there, I tried screaming for help but I couldn't no noise came out of me as I fell. I felt as if I was choking. But then my dream shifted and instead of my family above me; it was Loki, he stood there his staff in hand with his helmet on. He looked like he did 7 years ago when he tried to take over New York. I reached my hand out towards him wanting him to grab me, to save me. But he didn't; he looked down at me solemnly like he was almost heartbroken but then he smiled as if the deed was done. I started to cry and when I hit the bottom I woke up with a jerk. I was crying and out of breath, I looked over to see if I had waken up Loki. He was fast asleep he looked so peaceful, I kissed his forehead getting up to make myself some (tea or coffee whatever you prefer) I wiped the tears off my cheeks but they kept coming I couldn't shake the dream out of my head and the look on Loki's face. I grabbed my cup and looked at the time, 2:30 am "Fantastic" I said sarcastically walking out onto the balcony. It was a beautiful night, the stars were bright and everything was quite. But I couldn't get over the dream I began to cry again putting my head in my hands I wanted nothing more than to know if Loki still loved me the way I loved him. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me hugging me tightly. Loki kissed my neck and cheeks wiping away my tears with his gentle fingers. I smiled a small smile and turned to face him "There she is." he said brushing my hair out of my face. He looked at me and cupped my face in his hands "Another dream?" He asked, I looked up at him his eyes full of worry, I simply nodded. He laid  my head against his bare chest and hugged me making me feel safe in his arms, I sighed wrapping my arms around him. "Do you want to tell me what happened?" I shook my head not wanting to remember the terrible nightmare. He sighed "Alright. But let's get inside, you're freezing." I hadn't noticed I was so cold until he let me go to open the door. He sat down on the couch and I followed cuddling up next to him, he put the blanket over us both and turned on the t.v stroking my hair. I kept falling in and out of sleep not wanting to have another nightmare. "Sleep my love. I will be right here to make sure nothing harms you." He wrapped the blanket  tighter around me and kissed the top of my head "I love you Y/N" he continued to stroke my hair and I mumbled as I fell asleep "I love you so much Loki."

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