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It had been 3 months since you had seen Loki in person. Since the virus had spread he had refused to meet you in person in case he had any trace of it on him. He had been traveling in Europe and through Asia with the Avengers for a month before this had all started. You tried to convince him to come over multiple times and that it wasn't that big of a deal to you, but he wouldn't, he didn't want to risk it.
*earlier today on the phone*
"Come on Loki! Please it's been months since I've seen you!"
"I don't know y/n" he sounded worried
"Loki listen I could honestly care less if you had the virus or not, just please come over." At this point you were begging
"Ok I'll come over." He gave in
"REALLY! You mean it! You're coming!" You were so excited you jumped up to go put some pants on. (Let's be honest no one is wearing pants at this point)
"Yeah I'll be over soon." Even though he still sounded anxious you could hear the happiness in his voice.
You were so excited! You sat by the window waiting for him to be there. It had been 30 minutes now so you picked up a book and started reading waiting to hear the car doors.
"You know, I don't know how I went so long without looking at your beauty." You jumped Loki was sitting on the couch gazing at you. "Oh my gosh! How long have you been sitting there!" You laughed jumping up to go cuddle up next to him
"Not long enough." He sighed as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. You laid your head on his chest breathing in his scent that you missed so much. You sat in silence for awhile just enjoying each other's company as he played with your hair and you almost falling asleep. "So what has my princess been up to?" He questioned. You sighed "there's nothing to do," you fixed your position putting your head in his lap facing up at him his bright green eyes studying you. "but reading mostly." You giggled thinking of all the rainy days you sat by the window thinking of Loki instead of reading.
"Well would it cheer you up if I said I brought you a present?" He raised an eyebrow looking down at you. You sat up quickly getting on your knees "Ummmm since when have I not enjoyed getting presents!" He made a beautiful green box with a gold bow appear in front of you. You gazed at the box, whatever it was it was beautifully wrapped. You quickly tore off the top and peered at its contents. On top was a box of chocolates "Oh my god! You don't know how long I have been wanting some asgardian chocolate!" You hugged Loki sitting next to him remembering when he had first brought you to Asgard for one of your first dates and you had loved the chocolate so much, any time he went back he always brought you back a box. He kissed your cheek
"There's more." You looked back into the box, at the bottom there was folded fabric that was probably some article of clothing. You picked it up from the box and delicately unfolded it gasping. It was a gorgeous black dress with what looked to be sparkles raining down from the top of the dress and collecting at the bottom. You got up gazing at it in all its glory.
"Oh Loki, it's beautiful! I love it! Thank you so much!" You placed it on your shoulders and twirled around watching the sparkles dance in the light your smile beaming.
"I'm so glad you like it. I had it hand made in Asgard, the diamonds are real." He got up admiring the dress with you. You held the dress bridal style staring at where all the sparkles were gathered
"These are real diamonds?!" You stared wide eyed
"Only the best for you my love." He hugged you from behind "Try it on for me?" He whispered in your ear kissing it slightly. You blushed and nodded heading towards your room, Loki smiled watching you.
*A few minutes later*
You had gotten the dress on and it fit in all the right places. You were staring at yourself posing in the mirror and spinning watching the diamonds sparkle. You were startled when you heard a knock on the door "Do you need help zipping it up?"
"Oh! Um no sorry! I was just admiring it." You went and opened the door. Loki smiled softly staring at you in the dress he grabbed your hand and twirled you around you laughed "Loki I love it, thank you again" he placed a hand on the side of your face stroking your cheek. "No need to thank me darling, you are my princess and deserve to be treated as such." He hesitated "I apologize for not coming over sooner. I missed you so much." You cupped his face in your hands smiling "I missed you too. And don't apologize I know you were just worried." You bopped his nose. He grabbed your hand kissing the top of it "Would m'lady care for a dance" you smiled "I would love to." Music started to play as he led you into the living room he wrapped his hands around your waist and you put yours around his neck. You loved dancing with him swaying to the music for hours, and he would kiss your neck and spin you around it was truly like something from a fairytale. You laid your head on his chest and he rested his chin on your head.
"You know I have no idea where I am going to wear this dress. Don't get me wrong I love it and I wish I had a ball or something to go to every week but unfortunately I prefer to stay at home." You laughed heading outside on the balcony Loki poured two glasses of your favorite wine.
"Oh yes I haven't even mentioned the best part!" He said carrying the glasses outside as you grabbed yours.
"Snap your fingers." He gestured
"What?" You were confused
"Trust me, you'll love it." He smirked you raised an eyebrow scared that if you snapped all your clothes would disappear but you did. And with a quick flash of green the dress turned into a amazingly comfortable but business casual pantsuit with a green belt and black heels. Loki smirked while taking another sip of his wine
"Oh my god you truly are full of surprises Mischief!" You teased putting your hands in the pockets of the new outfit. He grabbed you by your hip pulling you in closer and lifted your chin with his finger. He locked eyes with you his beautiful green ones on yours
"Only the best" he smirked pressing his lips onto yours. You placed your wine down placing your hand on the side of his face the other running through his hair, his tongue glided along your bottom lip asking for entrance you smirked into the kiss breaking away. You laughed looking at his disappointed and confused face
"Maybe tomorrow Mischief. But you have to read me to sleep first because I missed your voice so much!" You turned to go inside. Loki looked at you surprised you usually never turned him down. He smirked he liked this more dominant side of you. You went to your room to change while Loki sat down on the bed already in his pjs. "Will you unzip me?" You walked over to the side of the bed as he reached for your zipper. He trailed kisses down your back as he unzipped your jumper, you melted into his touch allowing him to unhook your bra sliding it off you as he began to massage your shoulders. You sighed smiling softly, you had missed his touch so much. His cool fingers traced down your shoulders and along your back; his lips left marks on the tops of your shoulders. You turned around grabbing his face leaning into him planting your lips on his, you pressed your forehead onto his and smiled "I love you" He kissed your nose "I love you too" silky emerald green pajamas draped over your body. You both got into bed as you laid down on his chest he put his arms around you, book in hand, he began to read his velvet voice filling your ears. You sighed softly as you drifted off to sleep. When you started snoring quietly Loki put the book down and took you in his arms laying you on the bed next to him he smiled at your sleeping form tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "Goodnight my princess."

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