A special day Pt.1

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   Setting- Asgard

   You woke up finding that Loki was not there, you got up questioning if you had forgotten about a meeting or some other important task, but could think of none. You looked in the bathroom but he wasn't there so you went in the closet finding no one but you did notice a green box sitting on a table. You walked over to it, finding the tag on the top. "To my love, after dressing meet Thor in the dinning room." Odd...but you opened the box, inside was a beautiful handmade emerald green dress. You gazed at the stunning dress holding it in your hands, it was short just above the knees, it was strapless, and had golden lace along the bodice. You wondered why he had given the dress to you, it wasn't your birthday, it wasn't Valentine's Day, it wasn't even his birthday, so why did you have the dress. You knew that your boyfriend was full of mysteries but you were filled with curiosity which made you too perfect for each other. You looked back inside the box to find a beautiful necklace, it had a small golden chain holding a snake with emerald eyes. You smiled thinking of his mischievous look picking out the necklace. You quickly put on the dress excited to see it on, you beamed looking at it in the mirror it truly was beautiful, it hung off your hips just right and swayed softly with every move you made. It was perfect. You clipped on the necklace and headed to the kitchen. You wondered what Thor was doing in all this, if this was a prank you were going to kill both of them.
   You got to the kitchen seeing your favorite breakfast, you licked your lips it looked sooooo good! Then you noticed Thor seated next to the eggs smiling big and wide at you. You chuckled he looked so stupid.
   "Good morning y/n!" He seemed excited
   "Good morning. Thor, what is all this for?" You questioned as you sat down across from him piling things onto your plate looking down at the food noticing how hungry you actually were.
   "Well all I can tell you is that...uh hold on.." he began to read something off of his hand. "..That you will have a full day with lots of activities so be prepared my princess and enjoy your meal. signed, your prince." You laughed and shook your head, whatever he was up to you couldn't wait to see him. Thor was stuffing his face with bacon. You laughed and he smiled. You began to eat as you questioned Thor.
   "So, where am I supposed to go after breakfast ." You took a bite of the most delicious pancakes you've ever had.
   "Sif. She's in the library." He began to pile the waffles onto his plate.
   "Sif? How did he get her roped into this?" You were surprised that she was involved in all of this.
   "Something about a new sword." He was still smiling widely, but you understood now.
   "That makes sense." You continued to chat until you were full of delicious baked goods and fruit. "That was delicious!" You put a hand on you stomach exhaling. "But I guess I have to take my leave now," you both got up "thank you for the company Thor." You smiled up at him.
   "You're very welcome lady y/n" he kissed your hand.
   "Oh, and could you please tell Loki when you see him that his girlfriend is not fond of a wild goose chase if that's what this is, and that I love him and I said good morning."
   "I will deliver the message promptly." He bowed his head and smiled a big goofy smile. You looked at him suspiciously
   "...ok, I'll see you around Thor." You headed down the hallway heading towards the library.

Loki's POV
   I entered the dinning room looking for Thor. When I found him he was eating the last biscuit.
   "Thor is everything still going according to plan?" I questioned raising an eyebrow, he had crumbs in his beard, I pointed to my chin and he raised a hand to brush them off.
   "Of course brother! When have I ever let you down before?" He boomed laughing. I rolled my eyes.
   "So she doesn't know?"
   "Was she wearing the dress?"
   "The necklace?"
   "She is headed to the library?"
   "What abo-" he cut me short.
   "Brother there is no need to be nervous. Y/n will love it." He patted me on the back, I could feel the heat rising up the side of my neck.
   "I'm not nervous..just want to make sure everything is going just as planned." I crossed my arms over my chest. Thor looked at me smiling stupidly.
   "Sure, anyways y/n left a message for you." I smiled, thinking of her in the dress and her beautiful smile. "She says, she does not appreciate being put on a wild goose chase and that she loves you and she says good morning."  Perfect! She doesn't suspect a thing.
   "Ok, good day brother." I turn to leave.

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