Chirsrams Morning

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   *Im so sorry if you don't celebrate Christmas! I just wanted to write about it since were close to the holidays! But still read if you'd like, I can't tell you what to do😂

   You were so excited! Tomorrow was the morning, the best morning of the year and you got to spend it with Loki! You began setting out the presents under the tree in your festive pajamas a big smile on your face as you listened to your Christmas playlist. It was 8:30 which means you had just enough time to make another batch of cookies, you got out the ingredients setting them on the counter and looked over the recipe, you didn't hear Loki creeping up behind you.
   " 3/4 cup of sugar aaaannnd-" Loki stopped you grabbing you from behind making you yelp and brought you into a tight hug. He laughed and you smiled, "Loki!" You looked down and gasped. "You're wearing the pajamas I got you! I thought you said you wouldn't wear them!" He looked up to the ceiling a grin on his face.
   "What pajamas? I don't know what your talking about." He smirked and pressed his forehead against yours. You giggled and sighed smiling. "Merry Christmas darling." He paused and placed his hand on the side of your face stroking your cheek with his thumb. "Even though I still don't quite understand it.." you laughed, kissed his cheek and jumped down.
   "Doesn't matter. You don't need to understand it to have fun," you turned to the baking ingredients and started adding things to your bowl. "Plus I'm tired of trying to explain it to you." You smirked as he leaned against the counter. You glanced over to him, he looked really good in his Christmas pjs, he smirked when he caught you staring.
   "What kind are these?" He looked in the bowl trying to figure it out, over the course of the month you had made several holiday favorites for him to try and he had loved every single one...except fruit cake.
   "I thought I would go with something simple but just as delicious, chocolate chip cookies." You smiled and tasted the batter. "And of course..." you licked the spoon handing a beater to Loki. "It taste amazing." He took the beater and licked it, a smile instantly forming on his face. He went to put his finger in the bowl but out of habit you smacked it away, he looked at you confused.
   "What?" You booped him on his nose with the spoon.
   "You can't just eat the batter." You laughed. "You have to bake the cookies first. Trust me I would love to just eat it like this but I would get very sick." You thought for a moment. "You on the other hand, probably not." His eyebrows knitted together thinking.
   "So...I can have more?" You laughed and got out the cookie sheet.
   "No! Trust me, you'll love them even more when there done." He leaned back against the counter a pouting look on his face which made you snicker.

   Sooner or later the cookies were done and you both had sat done to watch the Polar Express, your head in Loki's lap. Loki did indeed love the cookies and had almost ten of them by the time you were halfway through the movie. When the movie ended it was almost 11:00 so you both started getting ready for bed.
"I don't think you understand how excited I am for tomorrow morning." You laughed as you got under the covers.
"I don't think I ever will." He smiled and got into bed with you. "I am however.." he tucked some of your hair behind your ear. "Excited to give you your gift." You did a delighted wiggle getting excited, smiling not knowing how you were ever going to fall asleep.
"I know! I'm excited to show you your presents!" He laughed at your childish manner and kissed you on your head you smiled and took his face in your hands kissing his cheek. He turned the lamp off and you both laid down snuggling up together and Loki hummed you to sleep whispering sweet nothings in your ear.

   You woke up at around 5:30am unable to sleep any longer. You knew that if you woke Loki up now he would probably kill you, so you smiled at his sleeping form and slid out of bed quietly tiptoeing to the kitchen. The tree always looks it's best early on Christmas morning and it made you happy to look at its beautiful lights and colorful ornaments, the presents wrapped in seasonal paper and tucked carefully under the tree. It always made you smile, bringing back wonderful memories. In the kitchen you made yourself some hot cocoa and sat down to watch your favorite Christmas movie, resisting the urge to unwrap all of your presents and tear into your stocking.

   Halfway through the movie your hot cocoa was gone and you got up to get more as soon as you poured the powder into your cup mixing it you felt a pair of arms wrap around you and a head being nuzzled into your hair.
   "It's so early..." Loki's voice was full of sleep and you practically melted in his arms. You smiled and continued to stir.
   "Then go back to sleep." You said with a smirk, practically whispering.
   You felt him nuzzle into you further and grip you tighter. "No." You laughed softly.
   "You're so stubborn." You grabbed the mug and tore away from his arms sitting back down on the couch. He stood there in a daze, his eyes were tired and his hair a mess, shirt off and pants lazily hanging on his hips. You bit your lip at the sight, he was to tired to notice and instead crawled next to you laying his head in your lap his eyes only half open, you began to play with his hair.
   "Which one is this?" He yawned.
   "(Movie)" placing a kiss on his head; he looked so beautiful right know you couldn't help yourself.
   "Oh...I like that one.." he spoke between yawns and you smiled. He readjusted himself and looked into your eyes you were confused but giggled at him putting a hand on his face. He was so tired. "Y/n." He paused.
   "...yes?" You laughed, he grabbed the sides of your face and pulled you into a long kiss. You melted into his touch and let him take hold of you kissing you passionately. After awhile you pulled away and smiled at him above you. He laid on top of you placing his head on your chest, you brushed his hair out of his face.
   "Merry Christmas." He said yawning, he closed his eyes, "you're ssssso beautiful..." you couldn't help the red glow from forming on your cheeks and the smile that refused to go away.
   "Merry Christmas Loki." You continued to brush his hair with your hands and he began to lightly snore holding you close. "I love you." You smiled and began to watch the movie again, he was the greatest gift you could ever ask for.

*Happy Holidays lovelies!❤️🥰❤️*

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