Aphroditie's Palace

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   Aphrodite's Palace. A place that holds pleasure, lust, and soulmates.
Or that's what it said on the website "Are you sure about this?" I asked "Of course! It's going to be so much fun! Besides you might find your one true love." My best friend snickered and went back to doing her hair. I laughed. Ok sure the Palace was known for hooking up people with there soulmates but it was also known for making people have multiple one night stands in one night. And that, that's just not my thing. But I told B/F/N that I would come with her this time  but only if she agreed to do all the chores for a week and she happily agreed. We both finish getting ready. 
I wore a short black dress hanging off my curves loosely, my favorite pair of black high heels, and the diamond necklace my grandmother gave me.
B/F/N though of course was the exact opposite; a hot pink two piece dress that hugged her small chest tightly and swayed at her hips "Are you ready?" She asked "As ready as I'll ever be." I replied and we walked out the door.
   We arrived at Aphrodite's Palace at 8:00 and I have to admit it was pretty impressive, a two story building that looked like a modern billionaire's house but in many different shades of pink and red. It was also right on the beach and had a really nice view. The line was long, but of course B/F/N has year long passes so we got in pretty quickly. I entered the building and instantly my ears were filled with "Love to Love You Baby" playing loudly and the smell of roses and cologne following me everywhere I went, it was giving me a headache. I left B/F/N to get whisked away with the 10 or more men that greeted her upon entering the building, I knew she would be safe, this place was crawling with security making sure nobody ever got hurt. I made my way to the bar sitting down and ordering a strawberry milkshake, I thought there was no point in drinking if I was going to have to drag B/F/N's sorry ass back home.
-A few hours later-
   Alright! This is getting ridiculous! I knew that I wasn't going to be swarmed with guys but having someone to talk to would've been nice! I had been sitting here alone for 3 hours! B/F/N came over once but by that time she was so drunk that she couldn't even tell who I was, and I  knew she had had a few rounds. I tried talking to her which was hilariously funny but she got asked not 20 minutes later to go dance. I sighed this was the worst night of my life.
   I got up and walked outside to the balcony, there were a few couples but they either didn't see me or were to horny to care. But what was strange was there was someone standing alone. He was looking out towards the ocean, paying no attention to what was going on around him. He was definitely attractive, raven black hair, an all black suit, sharp jawline. He caught me staring and I turned my head quickly. Damn it! I thought, now I look like a creep! He walked over to me and stood beside me both of us looking out towards the beach. "Beautiful night." He said, I blushed, his voice was enough to get me on my knees. Oh my god this place has really gotten to your head control yourself he's just another person! "I agree." I replied "Almost as beautiful as you." I looked at him my face red, he smiled at me. That smile, I loved that smile, I wanted to see it everyday. His eyes were an icy blue that kept me staring, frozen in time looking into them. "Thank you. As are you." I slapped my forehead. "I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that I'm just not very good at this kind of thing" I blushed and turned back to the beach. He laughed, another thing on the list of things I loved about him. We stayed for a moment in silence, which was torture! I had always been bad at starting conversations! Just say something, anything you can't mess it up more than you already have! He finally spoke after what felt like an eternity. " So, what brings someone of your beauty to a place like this without a date?" He questioned, an eyebrow raised. I was turning redder by the minute. "Well I told my friend I would come but only if she gave me something in return. You see this isn't really my type of thing" I gestured to the loud music and the couples eating each other's faces "I see and what did you get in return?" "Oh, she said she would do all the chores for a week" "A valid agreement. And where is your friend?" "Oh my god! Don't even get me started!" He chuckled "Please do." We sat down at a table as I talked about how my friend was basically a slut but she was my slut and I drove myself crazy trying to keep up with her and her lovers. He listened the whole time as I ranted about my family and problems and never once stopped me. "I'm sorry I've been talking forever haven't I. I've just never had anybody so willing to listen." I said as I rubbed my wrists a nerves habit. He watched me carefully for a second and then grabbed my hands gently. I loved his touch "Don't apologize, I love the sound of your voice. It's beautiful." He looked into my eyes those beautiful blue eyes locking onto mine. I blushed gazing at him, I shook my head slightly gaining back my sanity "I-I-I don't know what to say. Thank you but I never even asked you your name." I had been talking to this guy I had just met for over an hour and I didn't even know his name. "Forgive me, I am Loki of Asgard." I was awestruck I couldn't think straight this was not possible. Loki the GOD I read stories about as a child. I stood up and looked at him like he was crazy. "I think this is when you tell me your name?" "I'm sorry but did you just say you were Loki as in the God of Mischief??" He snickered and gave a slight chuckle "Yes I did, and I still didn't get your name darling." My mouth was a gape I couldn't believe what I was hearing, he stood up and walked toward me even this stunned I still couldn't get over how handsome he was. He lifted my chin closing my mouth in the process he gazed into my eyes and then pressed his lips to mine, they were cold but soft and fit perfectly with mine. He kissed me passionately and I closed my eyes and kissed him back. He backed away slowly I looked him in the eyes "Y/N... my name is Y/N" I answered slowly. He put his hand on the back of my neck "So that's how I get an answer out of you?" He smirked and I smiled at him knowing I was in love "Your smile is heavenly my love." I melted at his words and he kissed me again but this time it was deeper and full of lust.

FYI: *the second part of this is just my slutty imagination so it's not really important*

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