Chapter:24 Bad Nightmare

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~~Jack Bryle POV~~

"Aaaaaah!! Oh! My God!! What kind of nightmare is that??" I said while my breath so deep.

"What's wrong hon???"She asked.

"nothing hon..!! Just go back to sleep??" I said.

"Are you sure??" She asked.

"Yes hon..!! Nothing to worry about..!! Maybe I'm tired..!!" I said.

"Okay!! Just go back to sleep okay!!" She said.

"Just sleep tight I'm gonna drink water!!" I said then she sleep again.

When my wife back to sleep again.I get up on the bed i walk and went out on the room to get some water so   that my mind got clear
So when im in the kitchen I get some water on the refrigerator and drink.then,I go to the living and sat on the sofa while I'm thinking about of my bad nightmare

"What kind of nightmare is that??? Hell ya..!! That's never gonna happened in again Yeah I admit that we've been fucking for how many times sense she's my girlfriend and I love her and she likes sex so do I. but,that's long time ago.!! It will never be happened over my dead body.That's crazy!! I will never cheat to my wife.!" I said talking to myself.

I stayed for a while on the sofa.I lay my neck on the sofa while my arms are on the side to side of the sofa.

"What a bad nightmare!!! Tsk!! Tsk!!" I said.

..after a while..

I stood up and walk to wash the glass and after that,I went inside to the bedroom and closed the door.
  Then,I lay on the bed while hugging my wife at the back while kissing her shoulder and she turn around on me so I kissed her passionately..I let in my tonque inside her mouth and she also did our tonque fighting like a sword.
Then,I massage her perfect breast that have no bra right now and press it she moan after that,she stop me .

"Let's just sleep maybe we do it next time..okay!!?" She said then smiled and kiss me.

"Come on..I'm horny!!" I said.

"Hahahaha!! Not now..I want to sleep okay!! And you need to sleep also coz you kinda dreaming weird!!" She said.

"Okay fine..!! But,I swear I'm gonna fucked you nonstop so be ready..!! Your not virgin anymore I've been already fuck you for how many times..!!" I said.

"Hahahaha!!! Okay2 relax..but not now okay!!! So let's sleep..!!" She said.

"Okay!! Goodnight again..!!" I said then we kissed and back to sleep.

Me and my wife back to sleep silently.




(A/N: so its a bad nightmare there sex of Celine and jack are not real..I'm so relief I thought its real..!! Sorry for my wrong grammar,typos and for short update I hope you all enjoy the story..see you in next update..!! Bye)

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