Chapter:27 another illness sign

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~~Miara POV~~

..4months later..

Its been 4months na ang nakalipas at lumalaki na yong tiyan ko yong asawa ko super excited na lumabas na si baby.tumataba na din ako pero di masyado.
I'm here right now on the bathroom nasa bathtub ako ngayon pinus punasan ko yong buong katawan ko mamaya ay aahon na din ako dahil bawal magbabad yong buntis.
  So while I'm rubbing my skin then,something appear on my skin so I rub it but,it didn't gone.Hindi naman din siya libag o sugat.

"Ano ba to??? Bat Hindi to natatanggal..!!??" Irita kung sabi at kuskos.

Kala ko sa braso ko lang mayroong ganun pero,pagtaasa ko ng mga paa at hita ko may ganun din kulay itim ito na tila parang pasa..

"Ano to? Pasa?? Bakit may mga pasa ako???" Tanong ko sa aking sarili.

Ng maalala ko bigla na may sakit pala ako na leukemia at sakit sa puso.napaluha ako at napatanong.

"Bakit ngayon pa??? Bakit kailangan pang manyari ito sakin??? Pano ko ito sasabihin sa kanya??? Paano??!! Huhuhuhu!!" I said while I hugged myself and cried.

..a few moments later..

I feel asleep because,I cried so much.then,i heard him knocking and shouted on the door but,I didn't answer.

"Hon!!! Come on now get out there..its not good for the baby..!!" He said.but I didn't answer.

"Hon!!!!! Are you okay???" He asked while continuing knocking the door.

Then,I realized that I have a baby on my womb so I stood up and get my bathrub then,I answered him.

"Yes!! Hon..I'm gonna go out need to worry I'm fine.." I shouted then I opened the door.

"Woooh!!! I thought there something happen to you!!" He said then smiled.

"Nothing happen!!" I said then walked and get a pajama.

"Are you sure???" He asked.

"Yup!!" I answered then I lay on the bed.

When I lay on the bed I can't stop to think.I can't hide it forever.he will discover this my illness someday.but,now I don't want him to worry about me especially,I'm pregnant its not good to stress.
I hope it didn't adopt to my future children my illness so that they can care there father because, I'm not his side anymore.maybe it is the best way to not tell him my illness and for my upcoming dying.

"Its bed time..!!" He said.

"Yeah!! Im tired today..I need to sleep now!!" I said then I smiled on him.

"Oh!! Right!! Goodnight hon ,goodnight baby..!! Love you both" he said then we kissed.

I smiled for he's sweetness and caring father and husband.after,that we both closed our eyes and sleep.
I didn't noticed I fall asleep while my tears is going down on my cheeks.




(A/N: sorry for my wrong grammar,typos and a short update..I hope you all enjoy reading the story..see you in next updates guys!! Bye..)

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