Chapter:31 Comatose

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~~Jack bryle POV~~

..5 month later..

Its been five months passed until now she's comatose..our babies are slowly growing.I'm so depressed because,I'm the only one who can take care the twins after,that taking care for her also.
Ive transferred here on our new house so that,its near to take care on her.I've miss her so much I'm in the middle of wiping her body with a wet clean towel and then someone calling on my phone.


"Hello?? Who's this??" I asked.

"Bryle its Clyde how are you???" He said.

"Oh!! Clyde I'm are you also??? Is this your new number???" I asked.

"I'm fine.yes it is my new number..uhm..!! Bryle how's your wife???" He asked so I've answered.

"She's not fine.!!" I said in a sad voice.

"What do you mean she's not fine??? Why your voice so sad??? Is there something wrong???" He asked nonstop.

"She's comatose..!!" I said.

"Whaaaaat??? Why??? How???" He said.

"Just come here I will tell you everything" I said.

"Okay!! Just text me the address" he said.

"Okay!!" I answered.

"I'll wait" he said.

"Okay bye" I said then end the call.

After the conversation of my bestfriend as what I've say I'll text the address of our new house.




(A/N: sorry for a short update today.I will sleep early because,its not good to my health.I hope you will all understand my I hope you all enjoy this story..see you in next update guys..thank you in advanced for reading and supporting this story.bye everyone,goodnight and godbless guys...!! Pray always..) Anyeong!!

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