Chapter:30 Critical Condition

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~~jack bryle POV~~

..3 hours later..

I'm here right now outside on the emergency room waiting for the results of my wife delivering our baby.but,its kinda 3 hours and half passed and there is no good sign.
And then suddenly I've heard the familiar voice our baby cry when I heard that I'm so happy.after,that the doctor out with her nurses and there panic.
So I've talk the doctor if what's the problem.

"Excuse me doc..what's happening??" I asked.

"I'm sorry Mr.Gonzales but your wife is in a critical condition." She said in a sad tone.

"Whaaaaat??? What do you mean??? What about our baby??Give me an specific answered right now!!!" I shouted.

"Your twin babies are born healthy but,your wife is in a critical condition..!! She had an leukemia and a heart problem..I don't think if she survived.but,we will do everything to saved her." She said.

"Whaaaat??? But,I didn't know she had an illness??? Please saved my wife..!!! Do your best to saved my wife life..!!" I shouted.

"Yes we will" she said then she went inside again on the emergency room and the nurses went inside also with have a things that I didn't know.

When I heard the doctor said I feel shivering and trembling in my body I can't think right tears are begin to drop now and I feel my heart are broke.
I can't live without her she's my everything and my world.

"Please saved my wife life I can't live without her,she and our babies all I haved pleased saved her I'm begging you" I prayed while my head are down and my eyes closed while crying.

...2 hours later..

I fell asleep on the chair then suddenly ive woke up because,I've heard someone went out came from emergency room.
And the doctor talk to me with her nurses I feel nervous if whats the news.

"How's my wife??? Is she okay??? Where our babies??" I asked her nonstop.

"Calm down Mr.Gonzales..I tell you the truth." She said.

"What's truth???" I asked.

"The truth is we do our best but,unfortunately your wife is comatose.!!! We didn't know if she survived  or woke up..I'm so sorry..but,we can't healed her!! And your babies are in the babies room now you can see them there..!! The nurses will be transfer your wife on the VIP room. I have to go now I have more patience!!" She said then tap my shoulders then walk away with her nurses and assistant.

I've breakdown after I've heard that terrible news its so feel unalive.

"I-i-i I can't live without her..!! Why this happening??? Why my wife??? Why not me?? Why she need to suffer like this??? Why??? Whyyyyyy???" I shouted.while crying I don't care people say right now.

I feel so mad right now because,I didn't noticed or didn't know that my wife is carrying a dangerous illness and now she's comatose.
  After I've cried in a whole day I've walk to go out and think for a while and calm myself.and when I'm in the middle of loneliness then,someone called my last name.

"Mr.Gonzales...!!" Someone called me.

I turned around and I see the female nurse that called me.

"Yesss???" I answered.

"Your wife are in the VIP room now you can see her..and also you can see your babies if you want!!" She said.

"Okay..I'll be there!!" I answered.

"Okay!!" She said then walk away to go back her station.

Then I've stood up and wipe my tears.then walk going to the VIP room to see my wife.




(A/N: sorry for my wrong grammar and typos..its my mistakes and im not good anything..just understand my mistakes..uhm!! the ending of this story are already coming so I hope that you will continue read and enjoy this story because,I think 5or10 I guess the chapters please don't stop you all to support this will be a great appreciation of mine.hehehe!! That's all..sorry for short updates..ill try to write a long in next chapters i see you in next chapters..guys!!!and thank you for reading this story here in wattpad..Love you all..mwaaaaah!!)

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